March 4th, 2018
Comments Off on Christ the Prophet, Priest, and King, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christ and Aragorn, Christ and Aslan, Christ and Narnia, Christ and the Lord of the Rings, Christ the king, Christ the Messiah, Christ the priest, Christ the prophet, Christ the Prophet Priest and King, gospel of the kingdom, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
February 24th, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel Messiah Will Return, Videos, by CGP.Tags: archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, death swallowed up in victory, eternal life, goel redeemer, immortality, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, kinsman redeemer, Messiah our redeemer, messiah returns, Messiah will return, sermons online, spiritual foundation, victory through the Messiah
February 18th, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel — Messiah the Son of God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: authentic gospel, Authentic Gospel according to Handel's Messiah, gospel of Christ, gospel of the kingdom, Hallelujah chorus, Handel's Messiah, Jeff Patton, Jesus Christ the Son of God, Jesus the son of God, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Messiah inherits his Kingdom, Messiah receives his kingdom, messiah the son of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation, why do the nations rage
January 28th, 2018
Comments Off on The Authentic Gospel Messiah the Lamb of God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: gospel of Christ, gospel of the kingdom, Hander's Messiah, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Lamb of God, Messiah, Messiah Lamb of God, Messiah the suffering servant, Messiah's sacrifice, role of the Messiah, spiritual foundation, Why Christ had to come
January 27th, 2018
Comments Off on The Authentic Gospel Messiah Our Saviour, Videos, by CGP.Tags: authentic gospel, Christ our healer, Christ our Saviour, Christ the Lord, cogwebcast, gospel of Christ, gospel of the kingdom, Jeff Patton, Jesus the Messiah, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Messiah brings peace, Messiah our healer, Messiah our Savior, Micah 5:2, peace on earth to men God favours, spiritual foundation, the gospel according to Handel's Messiah
January 27th, 2018
Comments Off on The Authentic Gospel God with Us — Immanuel, Videos, by CGP.Tags: archived sermons, authentic gospel, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, God with us, gospel is good news, gospel message, gospel of Christ, gospel of the kingdom, Immanuel, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Messiah, Messiah will rule, sermons online, Son of Man receives a Kingdom, spiritual foundation, Sun of Righteousness
January 21st, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel and the Messiah – Comfort My People, Videos, by CGP.Tags: archived sermons, Christ, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, comfort all nations, comfort Jerusalem, comfort my people, Handel's Messiah, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Messiah, Messiah oratorio, return of the Messiah, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, the gospel according to Handel's Messiah