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God made a covenant with Abraham, and if we are Christians we are heirs to that covenant and the promises made to Abraham. Do you know the history of the covenant and how we as Christians have become Abraham’s children? Do you understand the nature of the covenant and its implications for you as one who has believed the gospel of Christ? Do you appreciate the importance of following in Abraham’s footsteps and walking with God in faith? The scriptures reveal the answers to all of our questions about this covenant, a covenant that is irrevocable and of vital importance to all who look to God as their Father. More
Does the bible offer conflicting advice as to whether we should obey civil or state authorities or not? Consider the advice of the Paul who lived in Rome and offered wisdom to the brethren in Rome about living quiet and peaceful lives under the rule of a pagan regime. Consider the wisdom of Peter and the other apostles who challenged the authority of the ruling elite in Judea. How do we reconcile these stories and draw conclusions about our relationship as Christians to the state authorities in our locale at this time in history. The bible provides us with the answers we need to make wise choices as to whether we obey the authorities. More
Traditionally, the book of Deuteronomy was read orally to the people of Israel during the Feast of Tabernacles. There was a command to read it every seven years so each generation would be versed in the laws of the land. But what is the significance for Christians? You may be surprised to learn that while being tempted by Satan, Jesus countered Satan’s insinuations with the phrase, “It is written.” Then Jesus proceeded to quote from the book of Deuteronomy as his authoritative source for setting priorities and determining what was true. More
The Lord’s Prayer has interesting parallels to the themes of the day of Atonement. This is especially true when it comes to ‘forgive us our debts.’ Often we think of these debts as ‘sins’ — missing the mark or sins of commission. But it also has the sense of not having fulfilled a duty — sins of omission. We owe God for those times when we failed to do our duty, and yet, he is faithful to forgive these debts. But there is a caveat. He says he will forgive our debts to the degree that we are willing to forgive the debts of others. As his children, God is asking us to let go of the wrongs we have suffered, the debts that have not been paid to us, and the resentments we might be harbouring due to unfulfilled duties that we are owed.
This ties in directly with Atonement and the message of the Jubilee. More
The Day of Atonement has many meaningful messages that resonate over the millennia. The nature of man and society has not changed substantially though his physical circumstances and the challenges may have varied considerably. Atonement helps us to understand the spiritual battles that have been fought and to consider the prophecies of future warfare and their consequences. This day brings to our mind the darkness that the great spiritual deceiver has brought into the world, and the light that will repel the darkness at the Messiah’s return.
Join us in a journey through scripture to understand the epic battles, the faithful footsoldiers, and the final outcomes of this great spiritual warfare. More
What is the solution to the serious problems inherent in human governments? The Feast of Trumpets, this day of remembrance provides the answers. On so many levels the corruption of our present systems is being called out by those at the tops of their fields of endeavour. And yet this Holy Day provides a glimpse into the future and a hope for a new governance model one that is incorruptible. Do you know what the bible reveals about this day of remembrance? More