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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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We have come to learn through John’s writings that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was the Word, the Creator, the Son of God, and the Son of Man. But John the Baptist revealed that Jesus was also the ‘Lamb of God.’ But how did he get this title, and why is it important to understand that the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ? The book of Revelation penned by John gives us a detailed description of the Lamb of God and his roles in the Father’s step-by-step plan to save humanity.
John was perplexed and brought to tears by the vision of the scroll with many seals that could not be opened until someone was found worthy of the task. More
Our religious Christian world offers many divergent teachings on the Nature of God. Many of these teachings have their roots in the centuries after the death of Christ. They are often a syncretistic blending of philosophy and religion, that tries to explain what scripture means through a variety of lenses, from historical to allegorical. So as a result we now have many competing views that try to explain the nature of the Father and the Son and their relationship.
This series on the nature of God, looks at the scriptures through the lens of the apostle John’s writings. Why? He was the last of the disciples of Christ, who wrote in a time of religious turmoil at the end of the first century. Being the last surviving eye-witness to Jesus life, death, and resurrection, many believe John was given the responsibility of codifying the Greek scriptures, in the same way that Ezra assembled the Hebrew scriptures. John had access to the works of all the previous writers. So, he wrote to the church to clarify many issues that had become muddied over the decades due to the influence of gnosticism, and a rising tide of anti-Jewish sentiment. His work provides some foundational understanding that will undergird our study of God’s revelation and guide us in examining the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. More
John records in his epistle the first meeting of Jesus and Nathaniel. Responding to Jesus, Nathaniel exclaimed, “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus, confirmed this and added that he was also the Son of Man. But what do these phrases mean? And how did the disciples and the religious leaders of Jesus’ time understand them? These names are at the heart of Jesus’ mission and his relationship with the Father. Jesus told his disciples that he came to give eternal life to those who would see his glory when he returned. But Jesus also knew that many would not accept the authority that the Father had given him, as Son of God Son of Man. Do you? More
When the Lord God created Adam and Eve, he envisioned a great future for them and their children. His hope was that they would prosper and be in good health. And, to this end he gave them a manual for living, first orally and eventually written down for all of their descendants.
From the beginning of human experience, God knew the challenges and pitfalls to avoid in order to have physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. So through stories, direct teachings, and commands, he revealed information that would produce wellness and eliminate illness. The God our Healer Series looks at many of the teachings that our Maker revealed through the scriptures and how he continues to work today as our Healer.
From the evidence of archaeology we can know that the people in ancient Egypt were afflicted with many diseases. But God promised the Israelites to be their healer, their physician. He would be the one to cure them and make them whole. This was an individual promise for literal physical healing. But, it also referred to the figurative healing of the nation.
Perhaps one thing Christians can agree about is the fact that there is a good deal of confusion about the nature of God. But this is nothing new! None of us have been face to face with God. So how can we know about the nature of God?The confusion over God’s nature began early in the history of the church. And there were many teachers, with divisive doctrinal positions on the nature of God. But none of them had been face to face with God! More
Are we ‘living in the truth’ when it comes to God’s revelation, including God’s food guide? It is God’s wish to prosper us so we can be in good health, and experience a successful, abundant life. But we must be walking in the truth — actually doing the things that produce health. And the scriptures offer important advice on spiritual and physical wellbeing.
We live in a time when the whole world has been seduced to believe in lies, and has wandered from the truth, the reality. As a result, we suffer the consequences of being divorced from reality, and one of those consequences is ill health. Many Christians have been taught that what you do physically does not impact your life spiritually, but this is not the reality as defined by God’s divine revelation. So what is the truth of the matter? More