COG Webcast

May 22nd, 2021

Pentecost — How the World Changes?

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Pentecost has the power to change the world. It is one day each year, the second of the three main Holy Day seasons. But the message of the Holy Day is an important one all year long. Our world is facing many challenges, but the scriptures and the yearly festivals point to the power of Pentecost that will change the world.
Learn more about that power.

Pentecost, Shavuot, Feast of Weeks: A Time to Celebrate!

May 16th, 2021

Freedom & the Spirit of the Lord

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Pentecost ShavuotPentecost — the Spirit of the Lord

Pentecost is a special anniversary that speaks to people who are empowered by the spirit of the Lord.
Over 3500 years ago, the Lord spoke the ten commandments to millions of the assembled Israelites from the top of the mountain in the midst of the lightning and thunder. The people were impressed by this awesome display of the power of the spirit of the Lord. Without hesitation they pledged their allegiance to the Lord, the I AM. They promised to be faithful and live in covenant with the Lord, as their Father.

He had delivered the tribes from slavery and the polytheistic Egyptian religious traditions that were useless. His first command was for the people to know and worship the Lord, the one true God. Then he gave them commandments that formed the basis for a constitutional form of governance for the nation. Unfortunately, the loyalty of the people wavered in spite of all the miracles they had witnessed. They lacked the spirit of the Lord to help them follow through on their promises. Within weeks they had created an idol to represent the Lord,. Aaron had sculpted a ‘golden calf’ to aid in their worship. They had fallen back in times of fear and doubt into their old religious practice, and habits of mind and action. More

May 8th, 2021

Are You Honouring Your Mother? God’s Perspective

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mother child at peaceBy Whose Authority?

The Everliving One is the Sovereign who gave a command about honouring your mother. He is the Lord God who sets the standard of right and wrong, and established the family relationship. When the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob cried out to God, the I AM, he delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Then he rehearsed with them those standards of conduct that he promised would bring liberty to those who followed them faithfully. Honouring your mother was one of those fundamental principles in God’s law of liberty. More

April 25th, 2021

Judeo Christian – What do You Mean?

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every word of GodSola Scriptura

Christians are sometimes confused by the term Judeo Christian. Judeo Christian does not mean Jewish Christian or Messianic Jew, so what does it mean?

Let me explain what Judeo Christian means, for those who are without background in the topic; the words Judeo Christian are most often used to describe the biblically based religious, moral, and ethical heritage of certain western societies. But there is a more complete definition of Judeo Christianity: More

April 24th, 2021

Content or Contentious? Lessons from the Wilderness

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Content or contentious Israel in the WildernessLearning for Israel’s Wilderness Experience

Israel’s experience in the wilderness, is one that makes us ask the question, ‘Are we content or contentious?’
God had delivered the people from slavery in Egypt.  He had delivered them from Pharaoh’s army and protected them as they crossed the Red Sea. But were the people content? Within a week of having left Egypt behind them, they were already murmuring, upset or  fearful about their situation and the lack of water. Had God just brought them out to slay them in the desert they wondered? Some folks thought so! How quickly they had forgotten God’s miracles. But in spite of their whining and complaining God would fulfill his promises.

It was at this early juncture in their journey that God made a conditional promise. If they would listen to him, and keep his word, then they would not have to endure all the diseases of Egypt. Are we content or contentious, in knowing that God is our healer? More

April 17th, 2021

Dealing with Oppressive Government

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Dealing with Oppressive Government

Sheep Among Wolves

Christ warned his followers that they would need to deal with oppressive governments and their agents. He said that in serving Jesus, his disciples would have to stand before leaders and rulers as a witness representing the Lord they served. This was not going to be an easy task. In fact Christ likened it to being sheep sent out among the wolves. So his advice to his servants was that they were to be as wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves. In our time, many are having to stand up for Christian values. And we need the wisdom to deal with oppressive governments and their representatives, motivated by wisdom and the desire to represent God faithfully. How are we managing? More

April 3rd, 2021

Do Not Fear – A Story of Escaping Sin

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Leaving Egypt

When God told the Israelites, “Do not fear!” they had good reasons for being afraid. A week earlier all the tribes of Israel had triumphantly left Egyptian slavery behind and had walked out of Egypt. But now they stood between the mountains and the sea with the might of the Egyptian army bearing down upon their position. The enemy was bent on doing the devil’s work by overtaking the Israelites. They would seize the booty, and destroy the people before they could reach their promised land. Egypt was the superpower of the day, and with their mechanized army of chariots they were equipped to easily mow down the columns of fleeing refuges. In their fear the people cried out to God. It was evident that their hard won freedom could be easily lost. More