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In rehearsing 70 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II many commentators wrote of her sense of duty and devotion to her people. Though monarchy is not the norm in our world, yet it is of vital concern in the scriptures. For the message of the gospel is one of a great King of Kings and his coming Kingdom.
Daniel envisioned the time in which the Messiah would return to earth and take up the throne of David. This theme of the return of the King to claim his Kingdom is reinforced by all the New Testament writers. So it is no wonder that God should provide guidance in his Word as to the duty of a King or Queen. More
The apostle Paul wrote that temptation was something common to all human experience. But that it could be resisted by those who put their trust in God. He would faithfully provide the help needed to endure without yielding to temptation.
Interestingly, Paul tied resisting temptation into the concept of fleeing from idolatry. This can be understood in its broadest sense when we realize that anything that is more important to us than God and his way is an ‘idol.’ More
Ezra the scribe had returned to Jerusalem with a valuable cargo of precious vessels to restore the temple worship. But he was greatly dismayed by the moral and spiritual state of the people. It would seem that they had fallen back into many of the harmful practices that had led to their captivity in the first place. Eventually, as a result of dealing with dangers without, and betrayal within the community, Ezra knew he would need help. He understood the importance of rebuilding the walls, both literally and metaphorically. They were needed to protect a pure relationship with God and defend against corrupting outside influences. More
The biblical story of Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and their brothers has many important lessons for those who see the need to restore the paths of God today. They faced many obstacles in fulfilling God’s purpose by rebuilding the temple of God at Jerusalem. Though they had received the permission and blessing of King Cyrus of Persia to do the work, the building project was hindered on many fronts. The political powers of the local area felt threatened and were constantly harassing the workers. Some of the workers became weary and turned to their own business interests. Others, seeing the enormity of the task before them and feeling discouraged by very real impediments, just wanted to give up. Others lamented that they were not able to replicate the majesty and beauty of the previous temple. Some wondered if the temple would ever be restored. More
The church of God is in a state of disrepair as a result of decades of attacks from without and within. This has divided the people of God and limited their effectiveness in performing God’s will. And what is God’s will? Often referred to as the ‘Great Commission,’ the will of God is that his people should ‘teach all nations (ethnic groups) to observe all the things that were commanded in the scriptures.’ And in so doing, they would make more disciples to carry on this work. Christ would be working through his people, generation after generation, and this work would continue to be done until the time of Christ’s return. So are we working to restore the paths as Christ would desire us to do? More
The prophet Isaiah wrote to encourage the people of God with a message of hope in restoring the paths and rebuilding the ruins. This was all predicated on the people returning to God and re-establishing justice based on the truth of scripture. History offers us the examples of those who put the pursuit of the truth and doing what was right, ahead of personal ambition or ideology. General Robert E. Lee was such a person, one who was willing to suffer, if need be, to do what was right and honourable. He was willing to act without pride, and to do what was best for his people in suing for peace, instead of pursuing a protracted guerrilla war. What about us? Are we restoring the path and repairing the breaches?
Are we willingly engaged in the Lord’s service? We are free to choose who we will serve, but we will serve someone or something. We have many examples of compelled service in scripture, as often the people of God lived under oppressive governments with laws that included forced labour. God on the other hand, gives us freedom to choose. He asks those who serve him to do so willingly, even joyfully. He wants his people to be conscientious and motivated by love to serve voluntarily and not out of compulsion. It is important to God that our service is whole-hearted and flows from a desire to follow Christ’s example of service to others. More