COG Webcast

June 3rd, 2011

Carolanne Patton Biography

Carolanne Patton, by COG Webcast.


Carolanne Patton

Carolanne continues to walk in the footsteps of parents and grandparents whose strength was their faith in God and his promises. Living faithfully according to every word of scripture has been her motivating principle in life.

Graduating from Ambassador College with an emphasis in educational psychology, Carolanne’s dream of teaching was put on hold for many years as she helped her husband, Jeff, in his work.
Whether overseeing the camp kitchen to feed 50 hungry campers and staff, selling residential real-estate, shingling a roof, writing reports, filing taxes, traveling overseas to the church’s various Feast of Tabernacles sites, brushing up on rusty French-language skills, pruning an overgrown orchard, tiling floors, or editing books, Carolanne has enjoyed the variety and adventure of being Jeff’s help-mate.

A decade spent as a part-time interior designer doing residential and commercial installations gave her an insight into the business world, while responsibilities as full-time wife and mother kept her fully grounded in the realities of home and hearth.

Personal struggles with health problems have given Carolanne a special interest in the biblical principles relating a godly lifestyle to good health. With a view to the biblical admonition to “tend and keep” Carolanne continues to be an avid organic gardener, and she has a long history of research into herbs and their health benefits.

The mother of four sons, Carolanne had the joy and challenge of homeschooling all of them at one time or another and this venture into teaching fueled her desire to go back to university to gain her teaching credentials. She is now a certified teacher working in the public school system and has had experience working with students of all ages from kindergarten through high school, as both a tutor and classroom teacher. With this background in education and parenting she understands many of the challenges parents and children face in our post-Christian society.

Carolanne would like to provide resources to help families and youth to take hold of the promises that God has given, and to help young people living in the 21st century to value the scriptural stories and the profound lessons they afford our generation. We face fears, challenges, tests, trials, and disasters, not unlike our ancestors in the bible. We can be encouraged and emboldened to live meaningful lives in God’s service in our time, just as Joseph, or Esther, or Daniel lived faithfully in their times.

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