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July 17th, 2015

Coming Soon: Dystopia

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dystopiaComing Soon: Dystopia
Recently there have been a variety of movies released by Hollywood that have been exploring the “post-apocalyptic” or “dystopian” themes about the future. Generally speaking, in such movies civil society is going or has already gone to hell – the reasons vary. As a result, everyone is left scrambling to survive or die amidst ruins, violence, and fear, except for the hero of the story and his/her love interest who somehow manage to save the day and restore hope in some form. Or, if it’s a European movie, the hero gets killed off and the villains win…But what about the reality, what is in our future?

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July 5th, 2015

Is All Love Equal

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judicial tyrannyToday, in a 5 to 4 split decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the so-called “equal protection” amendment should be interpreted to mean that marriage cannot be restricted to only heterosexual couples since homosexual couples must also have equal rights to access marriage licenses. This  same amendment, which was enacted during the U.S. Civil War period some 150 years ago,  also was used by the court in 1973 to create via judicial reasoning a right to abortion. An explicit reading of the 14th amendment says absolutely nothing about either abortion or homosexual marriage.

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View a sermon: God is Just-Right Side of the Future

July 5th, 2015

Flashing Signs of Danger

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Flashing Signs of Danger!

warning-challengesAnyone traveling on the roads needs to be constantly alert to signs of danger. For the last few months the morning commute to work in Victoria, B.C. has been an increasing hassle due to the on-going construction on one of the main traffic arteries leading into the downtown core. A bicyclist who usually took this route to commute to work downtown observed on one particular morning a few weeks ago that all traffic was being squeezed into just one lane by a small group of flaggers who had placed numerous warning signs, barriers, and orange plastic cones to block off the inside fast lane. But, while most people feel obliged to take notice of the warning signs and make the appropriate inconvenient travel correction,a commuting cyclist, a 30s-something woman, decided to ignore the warning signs…
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View a sermon:

God is Great – Lovers of God in a Dangerous Time


In the World but not of the World


July 5th, 2015

Assisted Suicide: A Duty to Kill?

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assisted suicide-skullBack in early February 2015, the Canadian Supreme Court decriminalized physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The court insisted that to do otherwise would mean that citizens would have a duty to live. This current Supreme Court reversed its previous 1993 decision on this same subject, and instead launched a “right-to-die” revolution in Canada’s legal policy that involves: 1) abandoning the idea that every human life is always a good to be protected, 2) while substituting the concept suicide and euthanasia can be accepted as a social good and as a personal autonomy right, and 3) removing the law’s obligation to protect the weak and vulnerable.

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Watch the sermon: Assisted Suicide: Who Decides?

July 2nd, 2015

The Greatest Issue of our Time? Inequality Slavery?

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85 richestThe Greatest Issue of Our Time? Inequality Slavery?

Is the world’s growing inequality  the new de facto slavery of our time?

Target, the American mega-chain retailer, failed in its expansion plans in Canada and recently announced that they are closing all of its 133 Canadian stores and laying off about 17,600 employees. But Target’s Canadian liquidation is not the news I want to write about, rather it’s something more shocking than a mere business flop.

It seems the fallen CEO of Target’s Canadian subsidiary will get a total severance and benefits exit package from the home office worth about the same as the total amount being offered to all 17,600 of the chain’s Canadians employees. Now that’s a golden parachute!

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July 2nd, 2015

The Foolish Mistake of the West: Peaceful Islam?

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charia hebdo muslim justice

The Foolish Mistake of the West: Peaceful Islam?

In the aftermath of the recent Islamic jihadis attacks in France, many Western liberals still don’t get it. They don’t get the implication or meaning of what’s behind the on-going, widespread conflicts between Islamic jihadis and anyone who doesn’t buy into their fundamentalist version of Sunni Islam–which, by the way, is widely taught and vigorously sponsored especially by Saudi Arabia throughout the world.Yet, I hear practically endless pontificating by liberal media about how Islam is a peaceful religion that is all about brotherly love just like the other major religions.

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July 2nd, 2015

Where have All the Good Leaders Gone?

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Where Have All the Good Leaders Gone?

political leaders Nixon not a crook“Of all the predictions to be made about 2015, none seems safer than the idea that across the great democracies people will feel deeply let down by those who lead them…. The levels of unpopularity and disengagement in the West have now risen to staggering levels… with the numbers of those fed-up [Americans]… climbing above 80%” [higher than during the notorious Watergate incident of the early 1970s in which the U.S. president was revealed for what he was: a crook, a liar, and an all-around small-minded vulgar bully], (Economist, “The World in 2015,” Nov. 21, 2014). I was struck by the Economist magazine’s end-of-the-year lead editorial. In many ways it is prophetic.

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