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Lessons from the Feast: What Really Matters

Bible Answers to Your Questions

March 14th, 2025

Walk a Straight Path in a Crooked World

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Mark out a straight path for your feet.

Then those who follow you,

though they are weak and lame,

will not stumble and fall but will become strong


Chapter 1

The Real Nature of Things

something beyond meaninglessness

Mum did not live to see the dawn of this new millennium, but her example remains,
inspiring those of us who knew her. Mum bequeathed to us a tantalizing sense of something
beyond this
present society’s worldview–
this orthodoxy of meaninglessness and its consuming pursuit of materialism.
So we begin our walk through a new era with an inherited sense of anticipation and a transcendent hope.
We, Isaac and Rebecca, would like to share this lively optimism, this sustaining encouragement....

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

The Day of the Gypsy

 — ideas have consequences

One day after classes, my friends and I were at our favorite cafe drinking the local white wine
flavored with a liqueur of black currents and carrying on as college students do, when a Gypsycame over to our table, sat down beside me and poured himself a glass from our carafe. He looked me in the
eye and asked in French, “Are you happy?”
Immediately I was lost in my inner self, considering a thousand thoughts and weighing my emotional bag of feelings. I don’t know how long I zoned out, away from the table, the café, the world, as my thoughts
raced around my interior universe. But the next thing I knew, the Gypsy put his hand on my arm, saying, “You are too complicated.” He finished his drink, got up and left.
It was true….

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 2 


Chapter 3

Pursuing Happiness?

—  discover Hope!

Have you formed an opinion about what it takes to be happy?
According to the poet Ogden Nash the root of happiness springs from an absence of nagging guilty feelings. Nash observed that there were only a limited number of ways that we can comfortably recline
on our favorite mental easy chair: “There is only one way to achieve happiness on this terrestrial ball. And that is to have either a clear conscience; or none at all.”
From that perspective one could opt to follow an Adolf Hitler or a Mother Teresa and still achieve an acceptable amount of happiness.
Is that right?…

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Falling Prey to Demons?

violence begins in the mind

Would you consider a dramatic presentation of the Anne Frank story to be funny?
One Friday afternoon my oldest son came home after a hard day at the local
public school visibly upset.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
He hemmed and hawed for a moment and then quietly said, “We
were watching a video about Anne Frank [the young Jewish-Dutch girl
who tried to hide from the Nazis during the Second World War]. And during a scene
that showed the Nazis machine-gunning a group of prisoners lined up against a wall,
a bunch of the kids in class started laughing!”
I was shocked, but decided to probe for the facts before jumping to

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Kick that Black Dog!

overcoming depression

Muzzling the black dog’s bite?
Yes it can be done. We want to encourage those who may feel trapped, worthless, or alone and without relief in sight.
You, too, can climb out of your pit of misery with the proper mental tools and a lifeline – if you’ll only reach out and grab them.
A few decades ago I, Rebecca, fell into the black hole of depression and stayed there for a number of years. Eventually I found my way out and emerged to see the light once more.
But then, recently, that black dog returned again to hound me back into the pit, though I thought I had seen the last of him….

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 5

Chapter 6

A Good Marriage

your loving oasis

The cynics about marriage have long abounded. One of these wags once quipped:
“The best part of married life is the fights. The rest is merely so-so.”
In the past one could laugh at such a comment and then quickly dismiss it as coming from
a well-established but insignificant minority of conjugal misfits.
Such cantankerous misanthropes had no business getting married in the first place.
But, as we begin a new millennium, Rebecca and I have the sneaking suspicion that the marital cynics have prospered all too well during the latter half of the twentieth century.

Walk A Straight Path chapter 6

Chapter 7

Tame That Cheatin’ Heart!

infidelity or intimacy

It took me more than a few minutes of poking around my Dad’s messy garage before I, Isaac,
found what I was looking for. The objects of my search were three, small, unwelcome suitcases.
They were scruffed up, cheap bags no doubt bought for a couple of bucks at some secondhand store. Upon their arrival at Dad’s place in Twin Falls, they were given a quick cursory examination and then
were banished to the garage’s ever-growing junk collection to await their eventual disposition, or more likely, their complete oblivion…

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 7 

October 30th, 2023

A Detailed Explanation of the Amazing Hebrew Calendar

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Thank you to the authors for all of their research and their clarification of contentious issues surrounding the Hebrew calendar. I do not know how I came to have this information and would appreciate knowing how to contact the authors. In the meantime I am posting it on the website as it is a valuable source of information to all who seek to keep the weekly and annual Sabbaths of God.

The Calculated Hebrew Calendar Made Simple
© Dwight Blevins
Carl D. Franklin
January 30, 2014 May 30, 2015 March 13, 2016

We live and work in a very complex world. Among the seven billion people living on earth today, there are those who have sent machines into the universe to skirt the rings of Saturn and to rove and map the surface of Mars. Others have developed computer technology so incredibly minute as to be viewed only by a microscope. And by use of nanotechnology, man dreams of computers so small as to float about unseen amid the molecules of air.
In this busy and complex world, God has given us the Appointed Times to be days of festive worship and rejoicing. But for many, the calculated Hebrew Calendar is so complex that it has led to wrangling debates ending in frustration. Such things ought not to be. It is possible, in simple terms, to understand the workings of the calendar.

Like most of you, and like the world renowned newscaster, Bill O’Reilly, I’m a simple man among simple folks. By early childhood I came to realize that I am a being of average intelligence, unable to traverse many mountaintops in this difficult and complex world. By age ten I understood that I would never be able to conquer the heights of the future by a direct approach, going over the top; therefore I must search for ways around, though they be many times longer, to surmount the heights that rise before me.

Seventeen years in the writing, like a trip around the rings of Saturn and back, I have circled the heights of the Hebrew Calendar, exploring its complexities. Had I not taken this journey, I would never have arrived at the doorstep of simplicity. Now, finally, I can explain in simple terms how the Hebrew Calendar works.

In essence, all the calculations of the Hebrew Calendar have been reduced to a few simple pages. All arguments and opinions heretofore are pretty much null and void. They are water under the bridge of time.

Zechariah 4:7 and The Four Corners of Time

Every calendar in the history of man has attempted to measure time by either the solar or the lunar cycle. The Hebrew Calendar is a lunisolar calendar, meaning that it is based on the lunar cycle and aligned with the seasons of the solar cycle.
How can we know the Hebrew Calendar is accurate when there are so many variables? There are twenty-four hours in each day, but the divisions of the day are equal at only two points in the year. The months are no rock of stability as they are based on the lunar cycle, which is not a fixed period of time. The moon wobbles about, expanding and contracting its course with a variance from about 29.25 to 29.8 days, making an average of 29.53 days for a lunar cycle.
The solar year is 365 calendar days, but the solar cycle is actually 365.2425 days. The lunar year is also fractured. If it is to be aligned with the sun for maintenance of the seasons, it must be measured in rotations of 12 and 13 months, resulting in common years of 354.36 days (29.53 x 12) and leap years of 383.89 days (29.53 x 13).
In view of these astronomical facts, it may seem that there is no absolute standard by which to measure time in whole numbers. This is what some may think, but it is not the case.

October 3rd, 2022

Holy Time? Interview with Dr. Bacchiocchi

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holy timeWhat is old is new, Some questions do not change, and some answers remain the same. If you are concerned with keeping your life in tune with the biblical narrative, then it is time to thoughtfully reconsider this issue of holy time.

Does It Really Matter Which Days You Keep?

by Jeffrey H. Patton

In our worship of God the Father and Jesus Christ, should Christians keep traditionally popular, accepted days like Lent, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter, Whitsunday and Christmas? Or should we keep the days that the Bible talks about like Passover, Pentecost, and other strange sounding Old Testament festivals like the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles?

Does it really matter which days we keep or choose NOT to keep? Why would anyone suggest that Christians should get their religious Holy Days out of the Old Testament? Hasn’t there been a total theological divorce between Old Testament and New Testament, law and grace, Judaism and Christianity? What is the Truth? More

February 9th, 2022

Sola Scriptura Declaration Mandatory Injections

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every word of God

 To view or download a PDF version with all the applicable scriptures footnoted: _Sola Scriptura Declaration – The People of God Reject Mandatory Injections 1-5-22

Sola Scriptura Declaration – 2022

— the biblical principles relating to mandatory injections


In the spirit of Reformation under the Sola Scriptura Principle, we the People of God make this declaration…


We, the people of God, declare that mandatory injections are contrary to divine law as written in the Scriptures, the canonized Holy Bible. According to Scripture these injections are both unlawful and immoral and promote the culture of death. They have been sold to the people with an ever changing campaign of lies, false promises and predictions of ‘safety’ – the work of modern false prophets.

We the undersigned, the people of God, stand and resist all mandatory injections and those institutions of men that support or comply with The Mandates in opposition to the Word of God. We call to account those in leadership that have not stood with the people of God and with the Scriptures to do righteousness. 

Our Grievances with mandatory injections are in general: 

Personal impacts

The state shall not infringe on our free will to obey God
The state does not own our body; a believer’s body belongs to the Lord
The state shall not hinder our free assembly and worship

Societal impacts

The state shall not sacrifice the few for the many, rejecting the sanctity of life.
The state shall not stand in the place of God acting as the arbiter of truth and morality.
The state shall not sacrifice our children or elders for future gain. More

November 13th, 2021

Rabbinic Judgment on Injections 11-1-21

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Some valuable information that those who value the Hebrew scriptures can appreciate. We elaborate upon the biblical principles found in both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures in  our article that explains the sola scriptura approach for Christians (Holy and Clean)

rabbinical court

By the grace of the Alm‐ghty


of Marcheshvan, 5782

November 1, ‘21

Official translation of the Halachic delineation

rendered and signed on the 22nd

of Marcheshvan (after hearing eight hours of

testimony from experts and other

witnesses), with partial additional elaboration:

We the undersigned convened together to render judgement regarding the new “Covid 19 vaccine” (which we shall henceforth refer to as “injection”, “vaccine”, or “mRNA”, although our intention is to include the “Adenoviral vector DNA” vaccine as well), and we heard testimonies from experts whose expertise is in this field. 

We also heard from doctors who invented and manufactured the mRNA, who testified as to its function (most doctors in medical practice are not experts in these matters at all, and from our experience and as is well‐known, they merely relate the information provided to them by the NIH, CDC, etc.).


They illustrated to us the profound danger and harm inherent in this new technology. They showed us how the governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical companies deny this fact, and how they conceal the data, making it so difficult for the public to realize the severe adverse reactions and mortalities that have befallen so many people who received the injection.  More

October 17th, 2021

Religious Accommodation Letter (template for personal use)

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Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Religious Accommodation Request

We have noticed that many brethren in Canada and elsewhere are facing the loss of employment for their unwillingness to comply with recent vaccine mandates in the workplace.

Here in Canada the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) offers this advice:

“The religious objections held by individuals to specific vaccines will vary significantly. The Justice Centre does not have a standard template to address such individual beliefs. Canadian law grants protection to an individual’s personal religious beliefs which are sincerely held, regardless of whether those beliefs are adhered to by others or even by the faith community to which the individual belongs.

In order to establish the existence of a religious objection, it will be necessary for the individual to have specific religious beliefs which would be violated in a non-trivial way by receiving a particular vaccine. These beliefs must be sincerely held, and an individual’s pattern of conduct consistent with those beliefs will help to prove that they are sincerely held.

Once a religious objection to taking a vaccine is established, an employer has a duty to accommodate that religious belief up to the point of undue hardship. The extent to which an employer must accommodate an employee’s religious objection to taking a vaccine will be dependent on the specific circumstances of the employment.”

To help our brethren who may need support in writing a letter to establish a ‘religious objection,’ we have created a Religious Accommodation Request template that can be used and modified to suit individual circumstances.

Religious Accommodation Request – Template