Healthy Living Blog
Healthy Living
Feast of Tabernacles Blog
Faithful Living
- Harrison’s Deliverance: Answered Prayers
- Does God Hear? Answered Prayer
- Fasting: In times of Crisis
- Fasting: A time to Fast
- Was Patrick a Good Catholic?
Creator and His Commands
- Only Way to Stop Mass Murders at School
- Two Trees and Two Worldviews
- Material Progress without Moral Development
- Is All Love Equal?
- Slippery Slope of Moral Relativism
- Assisted Suicide: A Duty to Kill?
- What disqualifies a Person from Leadership
- In Defence of our Most Ancient Values
- Sandy Hook Massacre – are you missing the lessons?
- General Petraeus, Did You Betray Us?
- Amanda, Jesus and the Bullies
- Intelligent Design
- Twisted Honour: Honour Killings
- Honouring Parents: Amy Winehouse
- Compromise
- Cheaters Cheat Themselves
- Rule of Law
- Evil deserves Justice
- How Do We Restore Honour?
- The Sabbath is NOT Done Away
Healthy Living
- That It May Be Well With You
- Do You Love Yourself
- We Can’t Escape Consequences
- Who Do You Listen to?
- Pain Prompts Change
- Vaccination: What the Bible Says
- Overcoming Addiction: Rob Ford Reality Show
- Origin of Aids
- Suffering Coming Soon: Epidemics
- The Dumbest Generation
- Words Spoken in Fun Result in Suicide
- Where is Personal Responsibility in “Harm Reduction” Strategies?
World Events
- Messiah and Jerusalem – Stumbling Blocks
- Day of Decision
- True Confessions of a Journalist or Plain People Change History
- Santa Klaus, Islamic Jihads, Western Leaders and You?
- Will the Flood of Immigrants Change Us?
- Flashing Signs of Danger
- The Foolish Mistake of the West: Peaceful Islam
- Where Have All the Good Leaders Gone?
- The West’s Legacy in Afghanistan
- Obama vs Putin
- American Impotence: Where is the Will?
- Break the Pride of Your Power
- The Pot calling the Kettle Black – Syrian Dilemma
- Will the “Right” Man Be Elected Pope?
- Can A New Pope Bring Repentance
- Arab Springs Blossoms of Hate
- Assad: Syrian Civil Conflict
- A Fourth Reich
- A Lesson from 9/11
- Canuck Fans Run Riot
- Osama Bin Laden
- Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Meltdown
- Coveting the Sun’s Power
- Pharaoh Hosni…
- Black Swans…Normalcy Bias
Economics Matter
- Globalism-Trade-Ceding Sovereignty
- How You Can Avoid All Taxes
- 2016 Beginning Badly
- The Greatest Issue of our Time: Inequality Slavery
- Will Capitalism Survive?
- Lid-ism
- Idle NO More…Canada’s Indian Problem
- USA Already off the Cliff and Falling
- Family, Finances, our Future
- Who’s Deceiving Whom?
- Differences between Rich and Poor
- Point of No Return
- What’s Your Life Worth?
- Looking Out for Our Best Interest