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COG Webcast > Archives February 2018
Archive for February, 2018February 24th, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel Messiah Will Return, Videos, by CGP.Tags: archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, death swallowed up in victory, eternal life, goel redeemer, immortality, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, kinsman redeemer, Messiah our redeemer, messiah returns, Messiah will return, sermons online, spiritual foundation, victory through the Messiah
February 18th, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel — Messiah the Son of God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: authentic gospel, Authentic Gospel according to Handel's Messiah, gospel of Christ, gospel of the kingdom, Hallelujah chorus, Handel's Messiah, Jeff Patton, Jesus Christ the Son of God, Jesus the son of God, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Messiah inherits his Kingdom, Messiah receives his kingdom, messiah the son of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation, why do the nations rage
February 17th, 2018
Comments Off on The Authentic Gospel: Messiah Our Healer and Shepherd, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Balm in Gilead., Christ the good shepherd, Messiah bore our iniquities, Messiah bruised and beaten for our healing, Messiah gathers his sheep, Messiah offers national healing, Messiah offers physical healing, Messiah offers spiritual healing, Messiah our healer, Messiah the great shepherd, Messiah the suffering servant