August 25th, 2011
Comments Off on Differences between Rich and Poor?, Blog, by CGP.Tags: attitudes of poor, attitudes of rich, Church of God, cogwebcast, donations, Jeff Patton, Jesus' advice to rich man, poor, rich, rich young man, social interactions, spiritual growth, wealth, wealthy,
Tags: anxiety, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Elisha, exhaustion, HD, Jeff Patton, Jeremiah, live sabbath service, live webcast, Paul, sermon video, sermons online, spiritual growth, Stress, stress survivor
August 7th, 2011
Comments Off on A Time to Fast, Blog, News, by CGP.Tags: breaking chains of darkness, Church of God, cogwebcast, deliverance, fasting, God's guidance, make straight paths, overcoming, prayer, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, strengthen the feeble knees, teaching truth, webcast
Tags: anomia, Church of God, church of god sermons, cognanaimo, cogwebcast, fifth commandment, HD, Holy seed, honour father and mother, honourable parents, in loco deus, in loco parentis, Jeff Patton, live sabbath webcast, sermons online, spiritual growth
June 17th, 2011
Comments Off on Celebrate the Sabbath with Us, Events, by CGP.Tags: 7th Day Sabbath, christian sabbath, Church of God, HD, Jeff Patton, mobile, online services, Sabbath, Sabbath Observance, Saturday, sermon, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, webcast
Tags: Abraham, Agag, Amalek, Amalek attacks Israel, armour of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, covenant, HD, Jeff Patton, land for peace, Matthew 28, middle-east peace, Minority report, Saul and Amalek, sermons online, spiritual armour, spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, webcast, Xerxes and Haman
Tags: Camping, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, ekpeirazo, false prophets, false teachers, God tests, HD, Jeff Patton, Massah and Meribah, Passover, peer pressure, putting God to the test, scripture, sermons online, social proof, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, teaching truth