COG Webcast

Posts Tagged ‘spiritual foundation’

October 4th, 2014

Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets 2014

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Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the UN, is concerned that, “This year the horizon of hope…

September 26th, 2014

Feasts of the Lord, not of the Jews.

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In Genesis, the Lord God set the heavenly bodies into motion for “appointed times” and seasons. What were these appointed times…

September 20th, 2014

Colossians 2:16 Paul and Holy Days

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Colossians 2:16 Paul and Holy Days Since the time of Augustine the traditional Catholics and Protestants have used this scripture to…

September 6th, 2014

Delight in the Law of God

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Should Christians delight in the law of God? John says sin is lawlessness, and that Christians cannot live a life…

August 23rd, 2014

Paul and Nomos: the Law and the Lawless

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Was the apostle Paul schizophrenic? Did Paul say the nomos/law was abolished in one book and then affirm that it…