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Posts Tagged ‘Jeff Patton’

April 11th, 2017

Passover — Lamb without Blemish

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“Born Again” Christians? There is a great irony in the Christian world. The apostle John wrote of a similar irony…

March 25th, 2017

Biblical Worldview: 5 Lessons from Patrick in Ireland

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Patricks biblical worldview

Biblical Worldview: A Mystery Revealed Over the centuries from before the time of Moses the biblical worldview has defined reality…

March 25th, 2017

A Biblical Worldview: Purim and Esther

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Estehr and Purim biblical worldview

Esther and Purim Power of a Biblical Worldview The scriptures, the source of the biblical worldview, claim to be “God-breathed.”…

March 11th, 2017

A Biblical Worldview: Why Christians Fail

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why Christians fail

A Biblical Worldview: Why Christians Fail? A recent Barna survey concluded that, of the American public polled, only 4% had…

March 11th, 2017

Strangers and Foreigners: Who is my Neighbour?

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strangers and foreigners: love your neighbour

God’s Immigration Policy: Strangers and Foreigners Nations face many dilemmas as they try to establish policies dealing with an influx of immigrants….

March 11th, 2017

Strangers and Foreigners: What God Says about Immigration

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what God says about immigration

The news is full of stories about the thorny question of immigration. Here in North America, in Europe and many…