October 6th, 2019
Comments Off on The Fall Festivals and Becoming Teleion People, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christian maturity, commandments, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, perfect man, renewing your mind, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, spiritual maturity., spiritual transformation, teleion people
September 28th, 2019
Comments Off on Hypocrisy in Leadership — ancient and modern, Videos, by CGP.Tags: examine yourself, godly leadership, hypocrisy, Jeff Patton, Jeremiah the prophet., Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, leadership and hypocrisy, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
August 18th, 2019
Comments Off on John’s Vision of God – Worthy is the Lamb of God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Jeff Patton, Jesus, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Jesus is the Lamb of God, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Lamb is the atoning sacrifice, Lamb is the Great Shepherd, Lamb of God, Lamb purchases his people, Lamb shepherds his people, Messiah is the Lamb of God, One God and One Mediator Jesus Christ, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, the Lamb is the mediator
August 11th, 2019
Comments Off on John’s Vision of God – 5 Part Series on the Nature of God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Jeff Patton, John's vision of God, Nature of God series, series on the nature of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
August 4th, 2019
Comments Off on John’s Vision of God — The Word of God — I Am, Videos, by CGP.Tags: alpha and omega, beginning and end, ever-living one, I AM, Jeff Patton, Jesus Christ is the Word of God, John's vision of God, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Lord God of Israel, nature of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation, the eternal, The Word of God was the Creator, Word of God, YHVH elohim
July 30th, 2019
Comments Off on God Our Healer — God’s Food Guide, Videos, by CGP.Tags: cause and effect and wellness, clean and unclean, cogwebcast, commandments, Daniel refuses the king's food, God's food guide, God's food guide for Christians, health consequences of alcohol, health consequences of sexual immorality, healthy living, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Peter's vision and God's food guide, sermons online, teaching truth
July 26th, 2019
Comments Off on Fear Not — I Am with You, Videos, by CGP.Tags: church of god sermons, cogwebcast, do not be afraid, faith in God's promises, fear not, God is with you, Isaac and Abimelech, Isaac and Rebekah, Isaac and the herdsmen of Gerar, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christianity, Paul's advice to fear not, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, trust in God, wells of water