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COG Webcast > holiness
Posts Tagged ‘holiness’May 21st, 2016
Comments Off on Sanctity of Life and Holiness, Videos, by CGP.Tags: assisted dying, assisted suicide, Canada March for Life, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, doctor assisted death, euthanasia, holiness, Jeff Patton, mercy-killing, murder, sanctity of life, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
Tags: active waiting, archived sermons, Church of God, cogwebcast, Feast of Tabernacles, godliness, holiness, Jim Patterson, Judeo Christian, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
March 19th, 2012
Comments Off on Nature of God, Beliefs, by COG Webcast.Tags: archived sermons, Church of God, God is good, god is great, God is Holy, God is our Rock, God our healer, God our Rock, God our Saviour, God the Father, God works for good, God's character, God's providence, God's purpose, God's vision, goodness of God, holiness, Jesus Christ, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Majesty of God, Messiah, nature of God, Savior, walk with God
February 3rd, 2012
Comments Off on The Significance of Stooping Low, are you Humble?, Articles, Jean Jantzen, by COG Webcast.Tags: Christianity, fast, fasting, gospel of Christ, holiness, humble, humility, important, Jean Jantzen, low, lowly, self importance, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, stoop low, stooping low, to be made low
Tags: approaching God, be holy, Church of God, clean and unclean, clean meat, cogwebcast, food laws, holiness, kosher food laws, pork, purity, Sin, unclean meat
Tags: Church of God, cogwebcast, deliverance, forgiveness, God's rest, HD, holiness, Jeff Patton, Jubilee, land sabbath, Sabbath
Tags: church unity, cogwebcast, divine service, Ezra, HD, holiness, Jeff Patton, Nadab and Abihu, Nehemiah, priests, webcast