COG Webcast

March 29th, 2013

Unleavened Bread: Passover Season

Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.


leaven2Leaven’s Symbolic Meanings

What is leavening, and how does the bible use this physical analogy of leaven and unleavened bread to teach us important lessons about our spiritual lives? Josh Patton details the leavening process and how leaven can represent two opposing concepts.

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Responses to “Unleavened Bread: Passover Season”

Comments (3)
  1. Great sermonette, Josh! Really enjoyed it. Our group in Kelowna were thinking we would start a new denomination and call ourselves the New Lumps! đŸ˜‰
    Catherine H.

    • I like that Cat – New Lumps! Some of us have certainly taken our lumps! Josh has inspired me to try to bake some bread with the natural yeast starter. I like the idea that we can be leavened with God’s spirit, so it “permeates” our being instead of sin. It’s the old adage that it’s not enough to remove a bad habit (sin) you must replace it with a good one (righteousness).

    • Hi Catherine,

      Glad you enjoyed this sermonette. It was nice to finally meet you in person at the Feast of Tabernacles in Penticton this year! I also enjoyed getting to know you and Ken.
      Shabbat Shalom,