Reality or Illusion – There are Consequences
In a world where the biological fact of male and female is being challenged and transgenderism embraced, are we pursuing reality or embracing illusion? Some in the world of medical science claim that sex is binary. Why? Because there are over 6,000 genetic differences between the sexes that are embedded in every cell. And hormone therapy cannot change this reality. However, there are others who deride such statements of fact as ‘hate speech,’ for they would prefer the illusion of gender choice. The Christian narrative embraces ‘natural law’ the reality embedded in the natural world. This law, this physical reality, was the work of the Creator who made all things. Yet, in Jesus day he also dealt with societal leaders who were willing to deny reality to achieve their own ends.
Truth, Alethea, the Nature of Reality
When it comes to the worship of God, John tells us that it must be in ‘spirit and truth.’ Truth, alethea in Greek, refers to reality and fact, as opposed to illusion and fantasy. So are we pursuing reality or embracing illusion? The Celtic Christians understood the importance of embracing reality and as a result their world view harmonized natural law, Mosaic law, and Christ’s law. For, after all, these teachings were all from the ultimate source of reality, the Creator. The physical world was to be the evidence of the unseen reality of spiritual law and God’s enduring faithfulness. Both physical and spiritual reality were inseparably bound together, the one having been created as a pattern of the other.
A Heavenly Pattern Misunderstood
The creation of the Sanctuary under Moses’ guidance was full of symbolism pointing to the greater spiritual reality in Heaven. The ark of the covenant and the mercy seat, were symbolic of God’s plan to dwell with his people. Yet, the people of Israel did not appreciate the reality. They treated the Ark as a superstitious talisman, thinking that it might help them turn the tide in their battle against their Philistine overlords. But the Ark did not save them. Those priests who carried it into battle were slain along with 4,000 soldiers, and the ark was taken captive. Curiously, the superstitious Philistines treated the Ark with greater respect than the Israelites. They had heard stories about the God of Israel and at the very least, respected the Ark as a symbol of the reality behind the stories. This reality began to sink in profoundly when their god, Dagon, was destroyed before the Ark, and the people started to suffer great plagues.
Putting God to the Test
Not wanting to make the mistake of believing that their misfortunes were merely coincidental, the Philistine leaders devised a test. They respectfully put the Ark, and an offering of gold on a new cart with milk cows to pull it. They then released the heifers. And, to their amazement, they discovered the reality of God’s divine direction. Against all odds, the cows headed together directly and without deviation to the closest Israelite community, of Beth Shemesh. This confirmed in the minds of the Philistines the reality of the power of the God of Israel. Unfortunately, the Israelites also had to learn the hard way that God’s presence, though unseen, was indeed the reality. For in touching the Ark upon its return, many Israelites who should have known better, paid the final price for not seeing the reality.
Pursuing Reality
As Christians, followers of Christ, he calls upon us to embrace the truth of his divine nature, and the promise of eternal life that he will give to those who reject illusion in favour of reality. We are warned to cast off the illusory nature of this present age of darkness, and embrace the reality of the Kingdom of light. In pursuing reality, we are to put on the mind of Christ, the mind of the one who created all things, both physical and spiritual realities. We do this by immersing our mind in the Word of God, as an anti-dote to the illusions of the present society that seem alluring, but will not last.
Learn more about living in the truth – the reality.