COG Webcast

October 14th, 2011

Fellowship of the King

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Fellowship of the King from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .

Are you in the Fellowship of the King? And if you are, what does it mean in your life now?

We find ourselves in a journey through this life. But do you realize that as Christians, we are actually walking in the footsteps revealed by a king? A king who is so much greater than all others, and whose calling is to enter into fellowship with Him. Do we share His life, His mission, and His vision of the future! Let the scriptures help you understand your future in the ‘fellowship of the king.’

October 9th, 2011

A Day to Remember

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Feast of Trumpets from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .

What message does the Holy Day named, Yom teruah, or Yom ha din, or Rosh Hashana have for Christians in the 21st century? Jeff Patton takes a journey through scripture to bring to light the many facets of the Feast of Trumpets, the first day of the seventh month on God’s calendar. Are you alert and aware of the trumpet calls in your life?

October 8th, 2011

Too Late for Repentance?

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Too Late for Repentance? from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement is celebrated on the 10th day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar. What significance does it hold for the Christian? Jeff Patton examines Isaiah’s account of Israel under siege, and who will bear the Keys of David. He then recounts the story of Esau and Jacob, and considers the question, “Who will have the benefit of the atoning sacrifice of Christ?”

October 2nd, 2011

Our Messiah

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Our Messiah from Cogwebcast on Vimeo.

Are you looking for a human leader to fight your battles? Many people from various religious persuasions are looking for a human leader to deliver their nation or the true believers. Is this the Messiah of scripture? Jeff Patton contrasts the biblical reality of Mashiach and Christos with worldly concepts of messiah. Is the Messiah man or God? The bible provides the answer.

October 1st, 2011


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The Tenth Commandment from Jeremiah Patton on Vimeo.

Lo tachmod, you shall not covet! With God it really is the thought that counts. Jeff Patton explores the biblical instructions relating to the tenth commandment – a divine directive that deals specifically with how we use our mind. As we get ready to observe the Feast, one of God’s promises touches on this concept of covetousness and gives us great comfort as we prepare to leave our homes behind to honour God. Do you know what this promise is?

September 19th, 2011

Divine Directives: the Ninth Commandment

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.

The Ninth Commandment from Jeremiah Patton on Vimeo.

Is honesty the best policy? Does God have something to say about it? And what does, “Bear false witness really mean?” Is this a legal phrase telling us how to behave in a court of law? Is it OK to lie to the “infidel” because the scripture only cites bearing false witness against a neighbour? Jeff Patton answers these questions and searches the scriptures to give us a more comprehensive understanding of the ninth commandment – one of God’s prime directives for life.

September 14th, 2011

Divine Directives: The Eighth Commandment

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The Eighth Commandment from Jeremiah Patton on Vimeo.

LO TIGNOV! There’s more to theft than padding an expense account or jacking a car. Theft is a way of life for many people and organizations. So what does God say are the consequences of ignoring this command and the blessings for obedience? Jeff Patton reveals what the scriptures have to say and offers the antidote to that thieving heart.