COG Webcast

February 23rd, 2013

Finding True Love: Romantic Love

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Did you know that God has a lot to say about romantic love, that deep emotional sexual love that a man and woman have for each other. In fact God dedicated a poetic book in the Bible to teach us about this kind of loving loyalty. Jeff Patton explores the Song of Songs, to make God’s thoughts on romantic love vibrant for us today.

February 9th, 2013

Finding True Love: Brotherly Love

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

How do we demonstrate our “philadelphia,” our love for our brethren? Jeff Patton provides insights from the lives of Jacob’s family to help us understand what God expects from his children in terms of our love for one another. Brotherly love, family affection, is that a priority in your life as a Christian?

January 26th, 2013

Finding True Love: Self-love or Selfishness

2 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Christ reiterated the command given in the torah, to love your neighbour as yourself. Jeff hones in on this topic to help us understand the difference between selfishness and an enlightened self-interest, self-love, that helps us to love others in the same way that we should love ourselves, with an eye to achieving the best good that God has in mind for us. We don’t love ourselves then reach out to others, rather we love ourselves as (at the same time and in the same way) we love others, so that what is in the best interest of our neighbour proves to be what is also in our best interest.

January 26th, 2013

Finding True Love: Love Your Neighbour

3 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Divine love is agape, “what God prefers.”  So what does God prefer when it comes to the question of “How do we love our neighbour?” How can we know God’s mind on the matter of “love your neighbour as yourself”? The scripture does not leave any doubt, but gives us specific instructions that all who are part of God’s “vineyard” will heed in order to produce the kind of fruit God expects.

January 13th, 2013

Finding True Love: Our Love for God

3 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

How many of us have known from childhood the verse that reads, “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind” That is God’s hope for us, true love. Yet how many of us really know what this means? Heart, soul, mind and strength…? You may assume that you understand these words, but you may also find some surprises as Jeff Patton leads you through an in-depth analysis of the scriptures to help you get a clearer picture of what it means to love God. Join Jeff and be encouraged in your walk with God as He reveals through His word, how you can love Him. How can we love Him…let us count the ways!

January 5th, 2013

Finding True Love

Comments Off on Finding True Love, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Love is…

I’ve always enjoyed those “Love is…” cartoons, some are silly and sentimental, while others bring truth with humour. But the sermons in this series help us understand God’s love for us, our love for God, and how love in our lives helps us to shine God’s light into the world. Learn what love is, from the perspective of the one who created love. Let the Creator define and grow His love in your heart and mind, for His greatest attribute is love. Finding true love is within your reach.

      Click on the sermon title to view the video…


    January 5th, 2013

    Fruit of the Spirit: Love of God

    2 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

    God’s love for us is greater than you can imagine. It is a warm personal love, and also the love that is loyal and gives us assurance in the promises God has made. Take a walk through the scriptures with Jeff and come to learn about ahav, hesed, phileo and agape, the love of God in action. It will give you hope and confidence in your Creator who loves you with an everlasting love.

    Learn more about God’s love:
    Finding True Love
