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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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Biblical history is a living thing that resonates with us today. Christ talked to his disciples on the evening before he died and made some startling statements. He called them his friends. What does it mean to be a friend of God? And how will this affect our “history” when we gain a deep appreciation of this biblical truth? There is no greater love, than that which Christ has shown us. Do we understand the implications of this love?
Without vision people perish, and Paul advises believers that there are real consequences to not heeding the lessons of unleavened bread. What are those consequences and how do they predict the future? Jeff Patton takes a brief look at the top news story of the day, then leads you through the scriptures to discover a message for our time, in the spring festival/Passover season.
What is leavening, and how does the bible use this physical analogy of leaven and unleavened bread to teach us important lessons about our spiritual lives? Josh Patton details the leavening process and how leaven can represent two opposing concepts.
Wishing the joy and peace of the Passover season to all who rejoice in the Messiah, the Christ, who gave his life that we might have an eternal loving relationship with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, as children and heirs of the Kingdom of God.
Paul tells us that we need to examine ourselves before Passover. What did he mean? What does this examination involve, and how do we go about it? It seems to be a serious, even a life-or-death matter! So what is the good news/bad news story that Paul wants us to consider at this time of year? How do we prepare for Passover?