COG Webcast

June 15th, 2013

God the Father: Is God your Father?

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Heavens declare the glory of God the Father

Heavens declare the glory of God the Father



Is God your Father? What does it mean to be a son of God? What is the role of the Father in our lives as Christians? Jeff Patton takes another look at the scriptures to examine our relationship to God the Father. He was Jesus’ Father, but is He your Father too?


June 15th, 2013

God the Father: Do you know Him?

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Heavens declare the glory of God the Father

Heavens declare the glory of God the Father

Do you know what God the Father, has done for you and is doing for those who walk in covenant with Him? Do you know His character and nature? Can you know Christ and not know the Father? Who do you pray to, the Lord, Jesus Christ, or the Father? Is it the Father or Christ who judges us? You need to know the Father and Jeff Patton reveals the scriptural answers to these questions to help you gain a greater understanding of your spiritual Father.


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


June 1st, 2013

Beware of False Prophets

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wolf in sheepskinWhen Christ instructed his disciples in his Sermon on the Mount he gave them a warning. This warning was a reiteration of a warning given by Moses and repeated by many of the apostles. What was the warning? Beware of False Prophets even ones who do miracles! Jeff Patton examines the scriptures to get a complete picture of the danger posed by these wolves who masquerade in sheep’s clothing. Can you spot one? Do you know what their defining characteristic is? More

June 1st, 2013

Christian Faith: A New Identity

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Sun cloudSome people think of their faith as a “belief system” and not a way of life. But Christianity is a way of life that brings about dramatic changes, as it did in the life of Moses. New God, new culture, new way of living, new identity, all of these things are refreshed when we covenant with God to walk with Him. Have you been renewed through that commitment of faith?

May 19th, 2013

Pentecost 2013: Why Celebrate Pentecost

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The scriptures advise the people of God to bring out of their treasure things that are both old and new. Jeff Patton reveals the purpose for Pentecost as revealed in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, making plain the meaning of the day for Christians. As we celebrate Pentecost we look back and reflect on events that transpired millennia ago, but we also look forward to a spiritual harvest that will take place in the not too distant future. Are we preparing to be firstfruits in God’s harvest?

May 18th, 2013

Christian Perfection: The Perfect Man

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two treesIs it possible to achieve perfection? The scriptures tell us that this is our goal…the end result of our spiritual journey through faith in Christ. Jeff Patton explains how we are being perfected, built into a suitable dwelling place of God, where He is “at home.” The perfect man is our “teleios.”

May 11th, 2013

Christian Faith: Women of Faith

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elijah and widow.sepia
The book of Hebrews speaks of women of faith who were blessed with the miracle of having their dead loved ones restored to life. Who were some of these women, and how did they express their faith through action? Jeff Patton reveals the challenges that women have faced and still face, and how God heard the prayers of faithful women of the bible and relieved their suffering. These are powerful stories of God’s deliverance of those who trusted in Him.