COG Webcast

August 19th, 2013

Woman of Valour: Eshet Chayil

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woman of valourThe Eshet Chayil, or woman of valour, teaches the Christian about many aspects of living a life that pleases God,whether you are a woman or a man. The valiant wife is a metaphor of the kind of devotion that brethren should have in their service to God. In our society that no longer values the eshet chayil, we have settled for self-absorbed lives that lack the nobility of character that God desires. In understanding Proverbs 31 we can all aspire to the virtues that should be a part of our daily lives as the people of God.

August 4th, 2013

Freedom in Christ

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freedom by covenant, the magna carta's roots in biblical teaching

freedom by covenant, the magna carta’s roots in biblical teaching

The signing of the Magna Carta was an event in history that brought to the English speaking world a re-establishment of the concept of freedom that found its roots in the biblical idea of covenant. Jeff Patton discusses the importance of freedom as an “inalienable right” and how vital an understanding of freedom is to the message of Christ and the new covenant scriptures. What does your freedom in Christ do for you?

July 27th, 2013

God Gives Opportunities: Seize Them!

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God's Opportunities

William Wilberforce

Are we seizing God’s opportunities and making the most of the talents He has given us? There is much to be learned from the bible and the example of other believers who used their talents to achieve godly purposes. If you are discouraged or wondering if God is blessing the work you are doing on His behalf, then learn from the examples in scripture and in the life of William Wilberforce and be encouraged to make the most of your opportunities as God’s ambassador. God gives opportunities, but it is up to us to seize them!

July 27th, 2013

Living with Difficult People

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cant_we_all_just_get_along_button-p145159028988940827t5sj_400Are you living with difficult people, or are you a difficult person? God had a lot to say about His experience of working with people who were – qasheh meh od – stubborn, unteachable, or stiff-necked as the old english translates the Hebrew. So what advice does God offer on how to deal with these difficult people? And why does he want us, as Ambassador’s of Christ, to adopt this approach? The bible has the answers, and we would do well to listen. More

July 20th, 2013

Tisha B’Av: Lessons from the Temple in Jerusalem

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temple stonesNew archeological evidence adds its voice to that of the biblical record about the reign of David and this connects in turn with the temple and the significance of Tisha Be’Av. Jeff Patton explains the connections and the lessons we can learn from the building and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.

July 20th, 2013

Anxiety & Fear: Good, Bad, Both

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anxiety: Good, bad, or both

Anxiety Fear: Good, bad, or both

Often we think of anxiety, at least as we use the word in our time, as this negative emotion, this worry that is tearing us to pieces. But did you know the scripture has a double-sided approach to the concept of being anxious. Let Jeff Patton reveal the biblical truth about anxiety, the good, the bad and the ugly. And more importantly, let’s take to heart our Maker’s advice about how to cope with anxiety and use it transform us and give us godly peace.


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


July 6th, 2013

Truth and Consequences

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Truth and consequences is a fundamental biblical concept. Jeff takes us on a journey with Paul, Ruth, and David to understand how living according to the truth will have consequences. It is important to know that we can’t cheat God, as God gives to everyone the consequences of their actions. As we celebrate Canada Day and July Fourth it is important to remember the truths that will have the consequence of blessing our nations.


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.