COG Webcast

September 22nd, 2013

Finding What You Lost – FOT 2013

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Finding what was lost

Finding what was lost

What have you lost that you need to find? A few days ago a homeless man found a lost bag with 40,000 dollars and returned it to the man who lost it. How amazing is that! Finding what you lost could be much more significant than merely finding you lost knapsack of cash. Consider the scriptures and the greater joy that God has when we who were lost return to Him.

September 21st, 2013

Leftovers and Little things – Small Things Matter Feast of Tabernacles 2013

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Do we appreciate the little things, like a widow’s two mites as God does. Are we using the little faith that we have because we know that the small things matter. Are we sowing those mustard seeds and cultivating them because we know the amazing things that will happen when they grow? God will not forget even the cup of water that we offer to a thirsty person, or the leftovers from the five loaves and fish, so do we appreciate the little things as God does?

September 21st, 2013

Our Battle to Believe

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At baptism we began walking with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. But since then have we forgotten our calling and what God is working in us now? Alex Kennedy brings to mind those scriptures we need to remember to help us hold fast to the reality of Christ in us, rooted in the vine and producing those godly fruits.

September 19th, 2013


2 Comments, Filed in Events, Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Penticton 2013

A spiritual harvest season

A spiritual harvest season

UPDATE October 5th: Get your 2014 Judeo Christian Calendar Orders in here.


Thursday September 19, 2013

Friday September 20, 2013

  • Ken Svehla

Sabbath  September 21, 2013

Sunday  September 22, 2013

Monday  September 23, 2013

Tuesday  September 24, 2013

Wednesday  September 25, 2013

Thursday  September 26, 2013

Feast of Tabernacles 2013 

September 7th, 2013

Christ is Judge: Who Protects the Innocent?

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king_swordThe Jews have long celebrated this momentous Holy Day and with good understanding of some key elements of the meaning of the day as taught in the Hebrew scriptures. As a Christian celebrating this Holy time, when you consider the themes of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana, have you considered the importance of Christ’s return in terms of establishing justice, and executing judgements? At a time when the Obama administration in the United States is now threatening to “punish” Syria for it’s war crimes, Christ is judge, so what will His verdict be?

See also: The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

August 31st, 2013

What God Loves

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love is
Do we love the things that God loves. As His children we should know what our Father loves and we will grow to love the same things. So what God loves is an important question for any Christian. Where do we go to know the answer? Jeff Patton searches the scriptures, for they provide us with ample evidence as to God’s nature and what He loves.

August 20th, 2013

What God Hates

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What does God hate?

What does God hate?

It is just as important to know what God hates, as it is to know what God loves. If we are to become perfect as our Father is perfect, we must also hate those things that will keep us from achieving our potential as children of God – we must hate what God hates.