Feast of Tabernacles 2022
Join us for daily messages this Feast to help you rejoice and encourage you in your walk with God.
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Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 1 October 10, 2022
Rejoice at the Feast:
Whether we have the blessing of fellowshipping on God’s Holy Days in a place he has chosen or whether we are home alone, God gives us all a command. During these special times of year that God sets apart as Holy, we have been given a command to rejoice. But sometimes this is not easy! And as we celebrate we need to consider God’s admonition that “everyone” should rejoice. There is a responsibility to care for the needs not only of our family, but of our servants, the foreigners, the orphans and the widows. God’s festivals are a blessing as we rejoice in God’s goodness. But they are also a duty.
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 2 October 11, 2022
Coming Before the King
Coming before the king was often a difficult task that required great determination and patience, as it was only the few who could gain an audience with the king in order to make requests, or have grievances settled. As a tour of Hampton Court made clear, it was unlikely that any commoner would have the honour of coming before the king. Can we have access to the king
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 3 October 12, 2022
The King’s Message About his Kingdom
The King’s Message about His Kingdom
Almost two thousand years ago Christ came and brought a message about the king and his kingdom. He instructed his disciples, all who are called of the Father, that we should pray that his Kingdom should come soon. But it is not here yet. So, what is the secret of the Kingdom that Christ revealed to his disciples, but not to the world? What is the nature of the realm of the King’s sovereign rule? What is the job the King wants us to do?
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 4 October 13, 2022
Covenant Promises — The Land and the Kingdom
Within the old and renewed covenants God created a relationship with his people that offered amazing promises. We who trust in God’s faithfulness look to him to fulfill all that he has promised to Abraham and all who walk in faith with God as Abraham walked. So what are these covenant promises and how do they find their fulfillment in the lives of God’s people?
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 5 October 14, 2022
Gospel of the Kingdom — Changing the System
The growing inequality between rich and poor is highlighted by the failure of “Target” in Canada and the golden handshake given to the CEO, and the recent meeting in Davos of the world’s economic powerhouses. What is really needed to remedy this present reality? In a world where injustice is rampant and financial inequity is the norm, the gospel of the kingdom gives us hope for the future.
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 6 October 15, 2022
Who is Your Spiritual Rock?
Building on bedrock is an important principle when it comes to constructing physical buildings. And if the people of Japan had been wise they could have predicted the results of building on sand dredged up from Tokyo harbour. Living along the ring of fire there should have been no surprise when an earthquake struck, liquifying the sand. They should have known the consequences of failing to build on a solid foundation would be catastrophic. But what about our spiritual lives? Who is your spiritual rock and are you building on a solid foundation?
Feast of Tabernacles
DAY 7 October 16, 2022
A Vision for the Future
The secular world doesn’t offer a vision of anything more than, “Eat, drink, and be merry.” But God offers an amazing vision of the future. The lessons of Ecclesiastes, and the stories of Shebna and Hilkiah, and the apostle Paul teach us about the need for a transcendental view of the future. Will we embrace the vision that motivated Abraham and all of God’s faithful servants?
Last Great Day
DAY 8 October 17, 2022
The Eighth Day — Hope for Humanity
Today is not the only day of salvation! But those God has called, he has called for a purpose. At the right time God will call and save all of humanity. When Christ will return; the Kingdom of God will be setup on Earth, and then we will come to the Eighth Day, the Last Great Day, — Great White Throne Judgement. In light of this knowledge we need to know, What is God’s purpose in this Great Day? And , how do we actively wait and prepare for that time? Jeff recounts his personal story of interrogation, trial, and travels through the Iron Curtain in the land of darkness which was then communist Hungary and Romania. Then he links this to our role now that will impact the future of those who will be resurrected to life when the Last Great Day finds its fulfillment.