COG Webcast

April 10th, 2011

Evil Deserves Justice

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How do we, as a society, effectively respond to evil? This week the B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Johnston sentenced Kruse Hendrik Wellwood, 17, and Cameron Alexander Moffat, 18, to life in prison with no possibility for parole for 10 years. They were convicted by a large amount of grisly evidence and by the testimony of their own mouths.

What was the crime Wellwood and Moffat committed?…

April 3rd, 2011

Looking Out for Our Best Interest

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On Friday, April 1, 2011, the Wisconsin state governor Scott Walker signed into law an immensely controversial bill passed by that state’s legislature the previous evening despite death threats, intimidation, and large demonstrations by organized labour supporters. The new law effectively puts this Midwestern state’s public-sector unions on a diet of low-fat cheese at a time when many American states and municipalities are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The consequences of such defaults on state and municipal financial obligations would be profound…

April 3rd, 2011

Sabbath and Saviour

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Sabbath and Savior from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

Jesus Christ, the Saviour, began his ministry with reading an important passage of scripture from the scroll of Isaiah on the Sabbath in his hometown of Nazareth. Jeff Patton explains Christ’s message of deliverance and forgiveness and it’s relevance to the meaning of the Sabbath and our observance of God’s day of rest.

March 29th, 2011

Coming Near to God

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Coming Near to God from COG Webcast on Vimeo.

God has great expectations of those who serve Him and desire to draw near to him. Jeff Patton takes you on a journey through the scriptures describing a time during the Persian Empire not unlike our own, when the people of God were divided but a work needed to be done. It is amazing what God will do through those who draw near to him in obedience to his divine instructions.

March 25th, 2011

Coveting the Sun’s Power

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They’re called the Fukushima Fifty. This is a relatively small group of lower to mid-level managers, technicians, firemen, and electrical workers who are struggling to stop a nuclear disaster at the earthquake and tsunami-damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant. The Fukushima Fifty were left holding the bag for the political and economic elites who made the decision in the first place to use nuclear power to generate electricity…

March 20th, 2011

Rebuilding the Household of God

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Rebuilding the Household of God from cogwebcast.

  • God gives a powerful message of hope and encouragement to the remnant of his people who are doing His work in a hostile environment. Jeff Patton examines those “days of small beginnings” during the time of Zerubbabel to motivate and instruct us in rebuilding the household of God in our time.
  • March 16th, 2011

    Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown—what’s next?

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    Massive earthquake, monster tsunami, nuclear disaster! I was listening on the CBC Radio One to an interview with the Japanese ambassador to Canada. He said his country could be likened to a supermarket for disasters.

    The posted online videos of these Japanese disasters are astounding. One such video taken by someone who had fled for safety to the high ground behind his village, captured the event and its emotion…
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