COG Webcast

March 15th, 2011

Restoring the Walls

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  • The church is a divided church not unlike that of the apostle Paul’s day. As it was then, so today, people are giving their allegiance to a variety of men and organizations. God, however, has a mandate that he has given Christians, to heal the divisions and restore the paths of righteousness. Jeff Patton talks about General Robert E. Lee’s contribution to peace after the civil war and the biblical mandate to restore the walls of honour. We are called to be in Christ’s service restoring the walls of the church.
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    March 13th, 2011

    Event Schedule for 2011 Spring Holy Days

    3 Comments, Events, News, by COG Webcast.


    New Testament Passover

    New Testament Passover

    April 17, 2011 8:00pm (pst)
    New Testament Passover

  • for baptized believers
  • a renewal of your covenant with God our Father
  • Call 250-716-1141 for more information for the Spring Holy Days and where to attend
  • April 18, 2011 7:30pm (pst)
    Night to be much observed

  • Join us for the Night to be much remembered. Begin the Holy Day with a dinner commemorating Israel’s Passover and flight from slavery. Reflect with us on our deliverance from the slavery of sin
  • April 19, 2011 11:30am (pst)
    Holy Day Service

  • FIrst Day of Unleavened bread (Passover)
  • Join us online or in person, call 250-716-1141 for directions
  • April 23, 2011 11:30am (pst)
    Weekly Sabbath Service

  • Join us online or in person
  • April 25, 2011 11:30am (pst)
    Holy Day Service

  • Last Day of Unleavened Bread
  • Join us online or in person
  • March 6th, 2011

    The “Dumbest Generation?”

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    idiocracy the movie
    There is a small, but vocal, group of educational professionals who are deeply worried about the intellectual abilities of young people in secondary and post-secondary education these days. Mark Bauerlein, a professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, said in his recently published book The Dumbest Generation:



    March 6th, 2011

    The One and Only Path

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  • Moral relativism, the idea that every person is their own moral authority, is the reigning ethos of our time. But what are the fruits of this philosophy? Christians seeking eternal life in the Kingdom of God, must know who is the guiding authority in their life and what is the source of truth. Jeff Patton challenges every Christian to reconsider these fundamental questions, and pursue the one and only path to the tree of life.
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    March 2nd, 2011

    Who is the Majesty on High?

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  • The psalmist paints a picture of the wonders of creation and the magnificence of the Creator who planned, formed, and sustains the universe and these sentiments are echoed by many other biblical writers. Josh Patton considers the question of, “Who is the Majesty on high that we worship?”
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    February 20th, 2011

    Are You a Saint? The Gospel Part 4

    2 Comments, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.