Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
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Comments Off on Families, Finances, and Our Future, Blog, by CGP.
Presently we see the once prosperous Western world of 2011 drowning in red ink. Various European Union countries, and the United States of America are wrestling with the financial issues coming from too much sovereign debt and not enough taxes from their populations to pay for it. The news is full of controversy about the right policies to pursue to deal with this potentially catastrophic problem. As The Economist magazine likes to point out,
“for most of human history economic power has been determined by demography” (A Game of Catch-up, 09/20/2011)…
Are you looking for a human leader to fight your battles? Many people from various religious persuasions are looking for a human leader to deliver their nation or the true believers. Is this the Messiah of scripture? Jeff Patton contrasts the biblical reality of Mashiach and Christos with worldly concepts of messiah. Is the Messiah man or God? The bible provides the answer.
Comments Off on Jean Jantzen, Jean Jantzen, by CGP.
Jean Jantzen has been a follower of Christ and a member of the Church of God since 1970. Jean and her husband raised 7 children, and have seen their family grow to include 28 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. Jean was a wife, mother, and homemaker before she began a ten-year adventure at University, at the age of 50, that culminated in graduating with distinction and completing two B.A. degrees. One degree had a combined major in Liberal Studies and modern English and another a combined major in Creative Writing, Editing, and Journalism.
Jean was soon putting her talents to work in God’s service. She has written many articles for the churches over the years, and has enjoyed working as an assistant editor of church publications. Jean and her husband are active members of a local congregation here on Vancouver Island, where Jean continues to write and edit for the church, Cogwebcast, Cognanaimo, and the Shepherd’s Voice magazine. Jean also excelled at black and white photography, and she has served the brethren for many years as a Feast photographer. Keep an eye open for her insights and photos celebrating this year’s Festival season.
Lo tachmod, you shall not covet! With God it really is the thought that counts. Jeff Patton explores the biblical instructions relating to the tenth commandment – a divine directive that deals specifically with how we use our mind. As we get ready to observe the Feast, one of God’s promises touches on this concept of covetousness and gives us great comfort as we prepare to leave our homes behind to honour God. Do you know what this promise is?
Comments Off on Who’s Deceiving Whom?, Blog, by CGP.
Mining a Reputation
Starting on June 3, 2011, and continuing periodically throughout the summer a group of wealthy individuals hiding behind anonymity and fictitious names with false return addresses began distributing on the Internet site a string of hard-hitting allegations…
Is honesty the best policy? Does God have something to say about it? And what does, “Bear false witness really mean?” Is this a legal phrase telling us how to behave in a court of law? Is it OK to lie to the “infidel” because the scripture only cites bearing false witness against a neighbour? Jeff Patton answers these questions and searches the scriptures to give us a more comprehensive understanding of the ninth commandment – one of God’s prime directives for life.