COG Webcast

March 25th, 2017

A Biblical Worldview: Purim and Esther

Videos, by CGP.


Estehr and Purim biblical worldview

Esther and Purim

Power of a Biblical Worldview

The scriptures, the source of the biblical worldview, claim to be “God-breathed.” They offer God’s revelation of the reality of the world and our role in His plan. In teaching believers “how to live right” the scriptures challenge us to fulfill two overarching commands. “Live by every word of God” and “Bring every thought into captivity.” This must be done in order to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s will and accomplishing His purpose. But, this cannot be done, except that we have faith as a sure foundation — and this faith is strengthened as we read the stories of our ancestors in the faith.

You Are Part of the Story

Paul encouraged the Romans to understand their reality as gentiles grafted into God’s household. With repentance, baptism, and a change of heart, they too could enter into the story of God’s people. Abraham and all the faithful men and women would become their ancestors in faith. As part of God’s household all of his children are warned to be spiritually awake, aware of the times and the seasons. As servants in his house they are to be ready, watching, and “giving food in due season.” So, what season comes at the end of winter in the land of Israel?

Purim: A Season with Many Lessons

Recently, Vladimir Putin of Russia sent his Purim greetings to Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. According to the biblical calendar, 2 490 years ago this annual festival was declared a national celebration on Adar 13/14. Amazingly, this feast of thanksgiving for the Jews, called Purim, is still celebrated today. But, why were they thankful? As the story unfolds, Haman, a chief official in the court of Xerxes, King of Persia, had plotted to “destroy, kill, and annihilate,” all the Jews on that day. But God thwarted the plan through the bravery of his servants, Esther and Mordecai. People willing to serve God and to put their lives on the line. Their example of faith still gives us encouragement.

Once again in our time there are those who would destroy the people of Israel. Ancient rivalries have resurfaced. But our biblical worldview and prophecies of God’s deliverance give us hope in the face of implacable enemies. Watch the sermon to learn more…

Biblical Worldview: Why Christians Fail

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