COG Webcast

August 13th, 2016

Building a Spiritual Family

Videos, by CGP.


Building a spiritual family

Building a Spiritual Family

We call the great spiritual Lifegiver, “Our Father,” and when we look into the origin of the words, Father and Family, we can begin to understand the Father’s love for us and our divine purpose. The apostle Paul, writing in Greek, made an immediate connection between Pater and Patria, father and family. John wrote of the agape, divine love, that the Father and His son have for all those who walk in the truth, those who are of His lineage and are committed to bearing His likeness – His family.

The life of Abraham gives us further insight into God’s family plan and His goal of building a spiritual family. What were the attitudes and actions that caused God to call Abraham the “Father of the faithful?” What did God know that gave Him the assurance that all nations could be blessed through Abraham?

In a time of fractured families, what lessons can we learn from Abraham and the prophets that will help us in guiding our own families and ensuring we are faithful children in our Father’s household? God gives a sober warning to parents and their children, but He also gives a message of hope to those who love and serve Him. Building a spiritual family requires a change of heart and a desire to love God, preferring what He prefers. There is a great future ahead for all those children the Father has redeemed.


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


The Importance of Purpose

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