COG Webcast

April 6th, 2021

Vaccination History

Articles, by CGP.


Is Vaccination Useless or Dangerous?

Look at the evidence:

New Information on Covid Injections
When it comes to the question of whether to accept a vaccination, or not, the scripture is not silent.
There are many principles in the bible that relate to our physical well-being.
If we are dealing with communicable disease God is quite explicit in commanding the quarantine of sick individuals within a community setting.
However, God is equally concerned about an individual’s responsibility to take action to preserve their own health.
One part of God’s wisdom is to avoid substances, whether food, drink, or drugs, that might have deleterious effects on the body and mind.
With this in mind, it is the responsibility of each individual to know the facts about what they eat, drink, or inject into their body.

As Christians we are the temple of God’s spirit and we have a command to avoid polluting God’s temple.

The negative effects of vaccination have been documented for over a hundred years:

Vaccine Peer Review — 1000 studies
Read PDF: Vaccine Peer Review 1000
Screen Shot 2021-05-29 at 11.43.37 PMRead PDF HERE
Vaccine photo

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