March 10th, 2018
Comments Off on That Prophet Speaks for God, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christ that prophet, Elymas Bar Jesus, faithful prophets, gospel of the kingdom, Jeff Patton, Jesus speaks for the Father, Jesus the I AM, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, lying prophets, Paul and Barnabas in Paphos, Paul and Barnabus confront Elymas, Sergius Paulus the proconsul, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, that prophet, that prophet speaks for God
March 4th, 2018
Comments Off on Christ the Prophet, Priest, and King, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christ and Aragorn, Christ and Aslan, Christ and Narnia, Christ and the Lord of the Rings, Christ the king, Christ the Messiah, Christ the priest, Christ the prophet, Christ the Prophet Priest and King, gospel of the kingdom, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
January 21st, 2018
Comments Off on Authentic Gospel and the Messiah – Comfort My People, Videos, by CGP.Tags: archived sermons, Christ, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, comfort all nations, comfort Jerusalem, comfort my people, Handel's Messiah, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Messiah, Messiah oratorio, return of the Messiah, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, the gospel according to Handel's Messiah
January 1st, 2018
Comments Off on Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day – Videos, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Fall Festivals of God, Fall holy days, Feast of Ingathering, Feast of Tabernacles, FOT 2011, Holy Days, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, kingdom of God, last great day, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, Succoth
January 1st, 2018
Comments Off on Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day, Beliefs, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christian festivals, Fall feasts of the Lord, Fall festivals, Feast of Tabernacles, God's fall festivals, God's fall harvest festival, Holy Days, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, kingdom of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, Succoth
December 26th, 2017
Comments Off on Euthanasia and Abortion — Issues of Death and Life, Videos, by CGP.Tags: abortion, assisted dying, assisted suicide, biblical insights on abortion and euthanasia, biblical view on abortion, biblical view on assisted death, biblical view on mercy killing, euthanasia, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, life and death issues, medically assisted death, mercy-killing, murder from the biblical view, right-to-life, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
December 17th, 2017
Comments Off on Why the Messiah and Jerusalem are Stumbling Stones, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Balfour Declaration, Chanukah, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Festival of Dedication, God is my Father, Jeff Patton, Jesus Chanukah message, Jews in Jerusalem, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, messiah and Jerusalem, Messiah's message, Psalm 82, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, You are gods, Zechariah and Jerusalem, Zechariah's prophecy of Jerusalem