August 26th, 2014
Comments Off on What is So Bad about Sin?, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, consequences of sin, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Sin, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, what is sin, what is so bad about sin, who defines sin
October 20th, 2012
Comments Off on Amanda, Jesus, and the Bullies, Blog, by CGP.Tags: 2012, Amanda Todd, Brenda Morrison, bullies, bullying, Canada, evolutionary biologists, God, golden rule, Jeff Patton, Jesus, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Matthew, Sin, suicide, World Tomorrow on October 18,
February 18th, 2012
Comments Off on Twisted Honour: Killing the one you should love, Blog, by CGP.Tags: Devil, Geeti, Hamed, honor killings, honour killings, Islam, Jeff Patton, Jesus of Nazareth, justice minister, Mohammed Shafia, Muslim, Rob Nicolson, Robert Fisk, Rona Shafia, Sahar, Shafia girls, Sin, Tooba,, Yahya, Zainab
Tags: approaching God, be holy, Church of God, clean and unclean, clean meat, cogwebcast, food laws, holiness, kosher food laws, pork, purity, Sin, unclean meat
Tags: antibiotic resistance, Church of God, cogwebcast, gonorrhea, Magnus Unemo, none of these diseases, sexual promiscuity, sexual purity, sexuality, sexually transmitted disease, Sin, std, sti,
July 6th, 2011
Comments Off on Compromise: Language of the Devil, Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.Tags: Church of God, cogwebcast, commandments, compromise, Jeff Patton, lawlessness, right and wrong, righteousness, Sin, truth,
Tags: account, accountable, anger, blameless, Christian Living, Christianity, Church of God, constructive, gospel of Christ, hurt, kingdom of God, mean, negativity, reckless, saints, Sin, slander, spiritual foundation, toung, words