July 12th, 2021
Comments Off on Your Roots Your Destiny — Solving the Mystery of the Lost Ten Tribes, Authors, Books, Jeff Patton, by CGP.Tags: Celts, cogwebcast, Germanic tribes, God's faithfulness to covenant, Goths, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, lost ten tribes, promises to Abraham, prophecy, Scythians, spiritual foundation, your roots your destiny
July 11th, 2021
Comments Off on The Prophets — Hosea Speaks Truth to Power, Videos, by CGP.Tags: God's message to his people, Hose, Hosea, Hosea and false religion, Hosea and hope of redemption, Hosea and political corruption, Hosea speaks to us, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, lessons from Hosea, prophets, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
June 26th, 2021
Comments Off on The Prophets — Amos Delivers God’s Message, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Amos, Amos the prophet, Amos' message, biblical history and prophecy, cogwebcast, Israel restored, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, prophecy, prophetic messages of hope, prophetic warnings, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, the prophets, warnings and messages of hope
June 23rd, 2021
Comments Off on Eighth Commandment — Combatting Theft and Deception, Videos, by CGP.Tags: 8th commandment, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, commandments, deception, eighth commandment, Jesus and the rich man., Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, robbery, robbing God, Samuel's advice about kings, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, theft, You shall not steal
June 6th, 2021
Comments Off on Seventh Commandment — Sanctity of the Family, Videos, by CGP.Tags: adultery, cogwebcast, commandments, covenant, family, family integrity, family unity, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, sermons online, seventh commandment, sexual immorality, sexual sins, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
May 8th, 2021
Comments Off on Are You Honouring Your Mother? God’s Perspective, Videos, by CGP.Tags: commandments, Deborah, fifth commandment, honour parents, honouring your mother, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, Lois and Eunice, Mother's day, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
April 25th, 2021
Comments Off on Judeo Christian – What do You Mean?, Videos, by CGP.Tags: bible history, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christian ethic, Judeo Christian morality, judeo christian perspective, Judeo-Christian scriptures, scripturalists, sermons online, sola scriptura, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth