Let’s not forget the painful lessons of a year ago! “How much more needless blood must be spilled in the Western…

February 18th, 2012
Twisted Honour: Killing the one you should love
Comments Off on Twisted Honour: Killing the one you should love, Blog, by CGP.The lead story in Canada for the last couple of days has been about the guilty verdicts for four first-degree…
September 8th, 2011
A Lesson for 9/11: Remembering Evil’s Threat
Comments Off on A Lesson for 9/11: Remembering Evil’s Threat, Blog, by CGP.
In the days leading up to the anniversary of the terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers the news media…
June 8th, 2011
Cheaters only Cheat Themselves
Comments Off on Cheaters only Cheat Themselves, Blog, by CGP.
Cheating made the news this week. The fact that it still shocks us (at least somewhat) is an encouraging sign…
April 24th, 2011
What’s Your Life Worth?
Comments Off on What’s Your Life Worth?, Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
This morning on the one-year anniversary of the world’s worst oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I was listening…