COG Webcast

Posts Tagged ‘Jeff Patton’

November 12th, 2011

Don’t Rationalize a False Faith

2 Comments, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.

Don’t Rationalize a False Faith – Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . Recent writers have asked the question, “How…

November 5th, 2011

Good Judgment or Judgmental

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Good Judgment or Judgmental – Sermon by Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . “Don’t judge me,” seems to be…

November 1st, 2011

Divided Loyalties

1 Comment, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.

Divided Loyalties – Sermon by Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . This season of increasing darkness has traditionally been…

October 17th, 2011

Restoration of all things

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Restoration of all things – Sermon by Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . Are you willfully blind to the…

October 15th, 2011

Archaeology and the Bible

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Archaeology and the Bible PDF Download Bible and Archaeology from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . You won’t convince a skeptic of…