Lord Our Shepherd – Part 1 God uses an agricultural metaphor to help people understand the relationship between His people…
November 15th, 2015
Slippery Slide Down the Slope of Moral Relativism
Comments Off on Slippery Slide Down the Slope of Moral Relativism, Articles, Blog, by CGP.Slippery Slope of Moral Relativism: Wow, it’s amazing what happens in just one weekly news cycle! Should we cry or…
November 8th, 2015
Last Great Day 2015 -Can these bones live?
Comments Off on Last Great Day 2015 -Can these bones live?, Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.Can these bones live. The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that,…
September 23rd, 2015
Purpose of Prophecy
1 Comment, Videos, by CGP.Prophecy is a tantalizing topic, and many people get caught up in prophetic pronouncements made by religious and secular prophets,…
September 14th, 2015
Covenant Promises: The Land and the Kingdom
1 Comment, Videos, by CGP.Within the old and renewed covenants God created a relationship with his people that offered amazing promises. We who trust…
September 14th, 2015
Glorious Covenants: Ministry of Reconciliation
Comments Off on Glorious Covenants: Ministry of Reconciliation, Videos, by CGP.The apostle Paul wrote of the glory of the old covenant and the ministry of death and the greater glory…
August 17th, 2015
Covenants Old and New: Similarities
1 Comment, Videos, by CGP.There is a lot of misunderstanding about the nature of the covenants and as a result many people have concluded…