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COG Webcast > God's promises
Posts Tagged ‘God’s promises’March 5th, 2022
Comments Off on Nature of Lies — Deceivers and the Deceived, Videos, by CGP.Tags: deceivers and deceived, deception, God's promises, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, liars, nature of lies, Tod's justice, truth
Tags: archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, covenant, covenant in Christ's blood, eternal covenant, everlasting covenant, God's plan for humanity, God's promises, God's purpose, HD, Jeff Patton, live sermon, sermons online, spiritual foundation, webcast
November 20th, 2011
Comments Off on Walking with God – The Covenant Part1, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.Tags: Abraham, Abrahamic covenant, archived sabbath sermons, archived sermons, Christ's yoke, Church of God, church of god sermons, covenant, covenant promises, eternal covenant, everlasting covenant, God's plan for humanity, God's promises, God's purpose, HD, Jacob's covenant, Jeff Patton, ratifying the covenant, sermon, sermons online, spiritual foundation, unconditional covenant, webcast
Tags: Alex Kennedy, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Feast of Tabernacles, FOT 2011, God, God's promises, HD, promises of God, sermons online, spiritual foundation