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COG Webcast > family
Posts Tagged ‘family’June 6th, 2021
Comments Off on Seventh Commandment — Sanctity of the Family, Videos, by CGP.Tags: adultery, cogwebcast, commandments, covenant, family, family integrity, family unity, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, sermons online, seventh commandment, sexual immorality, sexual sins, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
October 5th, 2011
Comments Off on Families, Finances, and Our Future, Blog, by CGP.Tags: 2011., abortion, divorce, economic system, family, family values, finance, Jeff Patton, Judeo-Christian scriptures, missing generation, one-child policy, prosperity, traditional family, two parent family, World Tomorrow on October 5,
Tags: Amy Winehouse, archived sabbath sermons, blessing for obedience, children and parents, Church of God, church of god sermons, Club 27, cogwebcast, discipline, family, fifth commandment, God, harvest what we plant, HD, honour father and mother, honour parents, Jeff Patton, live sermons, parental advice, reap what we sow, sermons online, webcast