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COG Webcast > Council of Nicea
Posts Tagged ‘Council of Nicea’September 26th, 2014
Comments Off on Feasts of the Lord, not of the Jews., Videos, by CGP.Tags: anti-semitism, appointed times, archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Council of Nicea, Feasts of the Lord, Holy Days, Jeff Patton, Judeo Christianity, Judeo-Christian scriptures, mo'ed, sermons online, spiritual foundation
Tags: archived sabbath sermons, archived sermons, asia-minor churches, Augustine, celtic christianity, celtic church, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, Council of Nicea, disciples of John, early church fathers, Easter, Eusibius, HD, Jeff Patton, Origen, Pasche, Passover, Polycrates, Sabbath, sermons online, St. Patrick, Sunday, Tertullian