December 26th, 2011
Comments Off on Do You Love Yourself?, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: Church of God, cogwebcast, first commandment, gratitude, love for others, love yourself, self-love, suicide, well-being
December 25th, 2011
Comments Off on Christ and the National Covenant – Covenants Part 5, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.Tags: archived sermons, Chanukah, Christ, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, covenant, covenant with Israel, everlasting covenant, example nation, Feast of Dedication, Hanukka, HD, I AM, Israel's role, Jeff Patton, nation of priests, national covenant, rededication, sermon, sermons online, tempting God, The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The God of Israel, the Rock, YHVH
December 25th, 2011
Comments Off on Patriarch to Nation – The Covenant Part 4, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.Tags: archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, covenant, everlasting covenant, HD, Israel, Israel married, Israel the sheep, Israel the vineyard, Jeff Patton, national covenant, patriarchs, sermons online
December 13th, 2011
Comments Off on A Fourth Reich?, Blog, by CGP.Tags: Angela Merkel, Brussels, cogwebcast, Communists, Daily Mail, David Cameron, Dominique de Villepin, Ecclesiastes, Euro, European Central BankX, European Commission, European Union, Eurosceptic, Fourth Reich, Germany, Jeff Patton, Jews, King Solomon, Mario Draghi, Merkel, Milton Mayer, Nazi, Nazis, Nicolas Sarkozy, Pastor Niemoller, Prime Minister, Sarkozy, Simon Heffer, Socialists, stability, Third Reich, World Tomorrow,
Tags: Angela Merkel, archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, David Cameron, economic crisis, EU, Euro zone, European Union, financial collapse, German leadership, God intervenes in history, God or mammon, HD, history repeats, human nature, Jeff Patton, king, live sermon, prophecy, Saul, sermons online, taxation, webcast
December 3rd, 2011
Comments Off on Partnership with God – The Covenant Part 3, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.Tags: archived sermons, calling, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, covenant or contract, eternal covenant, everlasting covenant, God's calling, God's covenant, HD, Jeff Patton, Joseph, marriage covenant, Noah, partners with God, Ruth, sermons online, who does God call
December 2nd, 2011
Comments Off on Does What You Believe Really Matter?, Blog, Rebecca Stewart, by CGP.Tags: belief, biblical insight, Church of God, cogwebcast, faith, peace, Rebecca Stewart, truth, unity