Was the apostle Paul schizophrenic? Did Paul say the nomos/law was abolished in one book and then affirm that it…
Was the apostle Paul schizophrenic? Did Paul say the nomos/law was abolished in one book and then affirm that it…
Did Christ break the Sabbath, and commit “anomia,” lawlessness? The Catholic church father, Augustine, thought Christ abolished the observance of…
Lid-ism: Preserving the status quo It is now one hundred years since the beginning of World War I. It is…
Right before our eyes the common person’s hope for the “good life” is unraveling, like a loosely woven tapestry being…
When the apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that “the mystery of lawlessness was already at work,” he was confirming…
Mark Carney, present governor of the Bank of England and chairman of the International Financial Stability Board (as well as…
Answered Prayer? Does God still answer prayers in the 21st Century? Well, there’s one family in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada…