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COG Webcast > Christ the firstfruit
Posts Tagged ‘Christ the firstfruit’April 19th, 2020
Comments Off on The Wave Sheaf – Symbol of our Messiah, Videos, by CGP.Tags: Christ the firstfruit, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, evidence about Jesus, firstborn among many brethren, Jeff Patton, Jesus the wave sheaf, Messiah and wave sheaf, Passover, Pentecost, sermons online, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, wave sheaf
June 17th, 2011
Comments Off on Pentecost: Story of the Path and the Power, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.Tags: Acts 2, brethren of Christ, Christ the firstfruit, church of god sermons, co-inheritors, cogwebcast, Exodus19-20, Feast of Firstfruits, Feast of Weeks, firstfruits, giving of the Holy Spirit, giving of the law, HD, Jeff Patton, Pentecost, Pentecost was fully come, Ruth, sermons online, Shavuot