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COG Webcast > Angela Merkel
Posts Tagged ‘Angela Merkel’November 20th, 2016
Comments Off on Will the Flood of Immigrants Occupy and Change Us?, Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.Tags: 2015, Aayan Hirsi Ali, Angela Merkel, Foreign Policy, Frederica Mogherini, immigrants, Isaiah, Jeff Patton, Manal Omar, migrants, refugees, World Tomorrow on November 13,
December 13th, 2011
Comments Off on A Fourth Reich?, Blog, by CGP.Tags: Angela Merkel, Brussels, cogwebcast, Communists, Daily Mail, David Cameron, Dominique de Villepin, Ecclesiastes, Euro, European Central BankX, European Commission, European Union, Eurosceptic, Fourth Reich, Germany, Jeff Patton, Jews, King Solomon, Mario Draghi, Merkel, Milton Mayer, Nazi, Nazis, Nicolas Sarkozy, Pastor Niemoller, Prime Minister, Sarkozy, Simon Heffer, Socialists, stability, Third Reich, World Tomorrow,
Tags: Angela Merkel, archived sermons, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, David Cameron, economic crisis, EU, Euro zone, European Union, financial collapse, German leadership, God intervenes in history, God or mammon, HD, history repeats, human nature, Jeff Patton, king, live sermon, prophecy, Saul, sermons online, taxation, webcast