Privilege with Obligations In a world where the epithet of ‘white privilege’ is voiced in a spirit of ignorance or…
September 14th, 2015
Covenant Promises: The Land and the Kingdom
1 Comment, Videos, by CGP.Within the old and renewed covenants God created a relationship with his people that offered amazing promises. We who trust…
September 14th, 2015
Comparing the Covenants: The Differences
Comments Off on Comparing the Covenants: The Differences, Videos, by CGP.There is an amazing unity in the covenants, yet there are also significant differences. So in comparing the covenants, Jeff…
January 2nd, 2012
Promises and Conditions – The Everlasting Covenant 6
Comments Off on Promises and Conditions – The Everlasting Covenant 6, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.View the video on Minds What’s a parent to do? God (Yahweh Elohim), as a father to the nation of…
November 20th, 2011
Walking with God – The Covenant Part1
Comments Off on Walking with God – The Covenant Part1, Sermons and Media, Videos, by COG Webcast.What does it take to have a spiritual relationship with the Father and the Son? What is the yoke…