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COG Webcast > 7th Day Sabbath
Posts Tagged ‘7th Day Sabbath’Tags: 7th Day Sabbath, christian sabbath, Church of God, church of god sermons, cogwebcast, fourth commandment, HD, Jeff Patton, keep Sabbath Holy, live sermon, Lord of the Sabbath, Nehemiah and the Sabbath, Sabbath, sabbath live sermon, Sabbath Observance, sabbath service, sabbatismos, sermon, sermons online, webcast
June 17th, 2011
Comments Off on Celebrate the Sabbath with Us, Events, by CGP.Tags: 7th Day Sabbath, christian sabbath, Church of God, HD, Jeff Patton, mobile, online services, Sabbath, Sabbath Observance, Saturday, sermon, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, webcast
Tags: 7th Day Sabbath, Baptism, church, church jesus built, Church of God, cogwebcast, Full Immersion Baptism, gospel of Christ, I AM, Jesus, Josh Patton, kingdom of God, Messiah, Sabbath, Sabbath Observance, Sunday, the church jesus built