COG Webcast

August 27th, 2016

You are the Light of the World

Videos, by CGP.


light of the world
Light of the World

The Cape Meares lighthouse was one of many on the west coast of America that warned sailors of treacherous waters, and helped captains avoid shipwreck and find safe harbours. The apostle Paul having been shipwrecked at least three times, used this analogy to teach a spiritual reality. God is our light, our beacon and the light of the world, and Christ came to light our path. His doctrine is our light, helping us reach our destination safely. But what is that doctrine, that teaching, that will enlighten our eyes so we are not overcome by the darkness and shipwrecked on the rocks? The scripture gives us the answer, so that we too may shine as light in the world. So how are we to shine, distinguishing ourselves as lights, and not succumbing to the darkness? What attitudes, intentions, and actions must we adopt in order to light the way for others and find safe haven for ourselves? And what pitfalls must we avoid, as we live in a society that often confuses sweet, with bitter and light, with darkness. Jesus does not leave us alone to figure out how to shine our light, rather he lights our path and gives us the specific instruction and guidance we need to be the light of the world. Let the scriptures reveal the spiritual lessons.

Searching for Light


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


Christian Vision and Mission: Series

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