Begin at 32 minutes
Enter the Promised Land
God has given us a mission, not unlike the mission given to the twelve spies who were to search out the land of Canaan prior to ancient Israel entering their promised land. Do we understand our mission? Will you enter the promised land? What attitudes and actions will ensure that you succeed in your mission, like Caleb and Joshua?
There are lessons to be learned from the failure of the 10 spies who saw the promised land, but did not have the mindset to understand and fulfill their mission to enter the promised land. What were they afraid of, and why did they lack the faith to do what God asked them to do? How did the ten spies unite to adopt a defeatist mentality that led them to contradict Joshua and Caleb, argue against God’s purpose, and cause the people to despair?
The lessons in the wilderness were for our learning that we might have greater understanding our spiritual calling, and the promised land that awaits those who understand God’s goals. There will be those in positions of leadership who adopt defeatist, faithless approaches that lead others astray, and we must be wary of their influence, and not tolerate their deceptive teaching. Paul and John warn us of the deceivers who would try to undermine the faith and confidence of the brethren, and the Celtic Christians, our ancestors in the faith, took warning and did not accept the imposters, those who wanted to lead them away from God’s mission.
Will we be like Caleb and Joshua accepting our mission, confident in God’s direction, faithful in following God’s teachings, and willing to enter the promised land?