COG Webcast

August 18th, 2017

The Future of Family

Videos, by CGP.


family of GodThe Future of Family – What the Stats Show

Family is considered a “public good.” Why? Because of the many societal benefits of stable marriages and strong families. But the future of family may look bleak as many begin to embrace “family diversity,” a euphemism for family “breakdown.” Recent surveys seem to reinforce what has long been believed about the positive impact of strong families on health, education, and culture. Many still believe that the future of family is a key element in building ideal societies. Why is this?

Where Did Family Begin

According to the account in Genesis, the human family was the product of the mind and genius of God — the Father. But it was the one who became Jesus, who like a potter, worked the clay to form the first humans. Thus the scriptures make it evident that they worked together. They create man “in our likeness.” They were created male and female to become one — to create a family. They were created in the “image” of their Maker – to fulfil a purpose. We were created to look like God. But we also were to become like God — having his heart and mind. Our families were to be patterned after this divine model. God made this clear when he called Abraham to walk with Him.

Abraham, Moses, and The Family Plan

God made promises to Abraham and Moses, but these promises were rooted in the future of family.
Abraham was chosen because God knew that he would teach his family. And as a result, all of the families of the earth would be benefitted. Moses, taught the people that the role of family was to teach children the way of God…every day, at every teachable moment. These teachings are as valid today for Christians, the spiritual descendants of Abraham, as they were when they were originally inspired. The future of family is bright, for God has an eternal purpose for His family.

Marriage & Family: Advice from the Scriptures

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