Ruth and Pentecost
Traditionally the book of Ruth was read on Pentecost, Shavuoth, the Feast of Weeks. What are the lessons that God wanted us to glean from Ruth and Pentecost? The Jews reflect on the giving of the law to the people of Israel during the Shavuoth season, and Christians rehearse the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Jewish believers in Christ, the Messiah, on Pentecost.
So how does the book of Ruth fit into this picture?
This is a time to consider how to live obediently in the spirit, how to be led, yielded to God’s will, and how to put our faith into action. Living in an era, not unlike that of the book of Judges and the time of Ruth, a time when “everyone did what is right in their own sight” we would benefit from the encouragement God gives us in scripture. The book of Ruth, a great love story, speaks to us today, whether Jew or Gentile, so we can put our trust in God and be confident in His blessings as children of God. Are we, like Ruth, circumcised in heart by the spirit, willing to make God our God, and committed to living and walking as God desires?
Pentecost: A Time to Celebrate Learn more here!