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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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Would it surprise you to know that:
The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting
Learn more about God’s Covenants
This week the European Union is having to make some critical choices. So far 26 of 27 European nations have been willing to trade sovereignty for economic security. The bible has some prophetic statements about choosing who will rule and the implications of those choices. Jeff Patton brings to light the dilemma every follower of Christ must come to grips with when it comes to the question of “Who will be King?” He cautions religious people to remember that prophecy is not a “spectator sport.”
Would it surprise you to know that:
The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting
Learn more about God’s Covenants
Do you have a contractual relationship with God or a covenantal relationship? And what is the difference between the two, or are they the same? What do the scriptures tell us about God’s purpose and the work he calls people to accomplish in partnership with Him? Jeff Patton explores the scriptures to make clear who God calls into an everlasting covenant, the nature of the calling, and the work that must be done in partnership with God.
Covenant Part 3 Partnership with God Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .
Would it surprise you to know that:
The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting
Learn More about God’s Covenants:
Or view on Youtube
What does it take to have a spiritual relationship with the Father and the Son? What is the yoke that Christ asks us to be willing to bear in order to be in step with Him? Jeff Patton begins a series of sermons on the nature of our covenantal relationship with the Creator of the universe. How is it possible for physical people to have a relationship with the Eternal – an everlasting covenant? The scriptures make this understanding clear for those who have been called by God to have their hearts and minds open to see the truth.
View the video on Minds:
Would it surprise you to know that:
The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting
Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore.
Don’t Rationalize a False Faith – Jeff Patton from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .
Recent writers have asked the question, “How could Christians in Nazi Germany condone, or participate in the willful destruction of so many people and still consider themselves Christians?” Jeff Patton explores the historical context and the rationalization used by German Christians to justify their participation in the 3rd Reich. He then shows how we can have a clear vision and purpose so we will not fall prey to the same trap of minimizing the scriptures.
For further reading on this topic:Click Here
Sharing God’s Vision – Jim Patterson from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .